	1. Changes to AceBrowser to improve AceRedirect() call and make more robust.
	2. Can now redirect to other class.
	3. Numerous enhancements to Ace::Graphics glyphs, including directional glyphs.
	1. Fixed a bad bug involving inability to index into portions of the subtree anchored by
		numeric 0.
	2. Added the -filled argument to autogenerated methods (big win).
	3. Added -coordinates and -getcoordinates arguments to asGif() to support scrolling 
	   and zooming images.
	1. Fixed the Ace::Sequence _make_filter() function to respect the value of automerge()
	2. Made it possible to change the color of introns and exons depending on curation status
		(will need more work)
	3. Fixed Ace::Sequence to correctly report start and end of alignment targets when viewed
		from the perspective of a reversed reference sequence (order swapped).
1.70	3/5/2001
	1. Folded AceBrowser functionality into package.
	2. Added GD graphics.
1.69	10/17/2000
	1. fixes to url processing
1.67	9/5/2000
	1. Many updates to support socket server.
	2. find_many() will now be much faster for complex queries.
	3. Single-argument shortcut form for connect()
	4. The Ace->find_many() and Ace->models() methods, formerly deprecated,
		are now no longer supported.
1.62	5/18/2000
	1. **NOTE** Redid the automatic accessors.  There is now always an implicit 
	move to the *right* of a tag when you fetch it as a method.  Use
	$object->Tag(0) to get the old default behavior.  Be warned, you used to
	have to do this to get to the object to the right of the Sequence tag
		$sequence = $clone->Sequence->right
	You now only have to do this:
		$sequence = $clone->Sequence
	2. Removed some uninitialized variable warnings from Ace::Sequence
1.60	11/01/99
	1. Fixed suspended giface processes when using iterators.
	2. Added explicit close() method.
1.59	9/8/99
	1. Patches to Ace::Local & Ace::Object from Tim Cutts <tim.cutts@incyte.com> 
		to improve efficiency.
1.58	8/3/99
	1. Tiny change in Model.pm to accomodate @tags.
1.57	7/22/99
	1. 1.56 was contaminated with leftover rpc* files in the ace/ subdirectory, this causes
		builds on several architectures to fail.
	2. Fixed "ambiguous variable" warnings in the regression tests.
1.56	7/9/99
	1. Added Ace::Sequence, Ace::Sequence::Feature and Ace::Sequence::Feature classes
	2. Added Ace::Sequence::Multi class
	3. Regression tests now point to stein.cshl.org
	4. Added more documentation, including more acedb/aceserver hints
	5. Added more makefiles
1.55	2/26/99
	1. Patched nulls appearing in raw query strings.  Was causing fetch() and list()
	to return fewer than the correct number of objects (approximately 0.2% loss).
1.54	2/10/99
	1. Fixed spin-loop (polling) bug in Ace::Local.  Should no longer
	consume 99% of CPU time while waiting for tace to answer a long query.
	2. Fixed bug in get() and at() in which tags got duplicated because
	of capitalization variations.
1.53	1/23/99
	1. Bug fix in Ace::find function.  Was causing a crash.
1.52	1/21/99
	1. Fixed bad bug in the kill method which caused objects
	to be removed from the database seemingly randomly.
	2. Optimized tag searching to improve performance when
	navigating objects.
	3. Better error message reporting when objects do not contain
	a desired tag.
1.51	12/14/98
	1. Comparison between objects now is more sensible:
	"eq" performs a string comparison on object names
	"==" performs an object comparison.  Two objects are
	identical iff their names, classes and databases are identical
	2. Fixed bugs involving names containing "*" and "?" characters.
	3. Added the -long option to grep.
	4. Added the -display option to asGIF()
	5. The follow() method now follows a tag into the database.
1.50    10/28.98
	2. Added the Ace::put() function to the Ace object, allowing you to move
	objects from one database to another.
	3. Added Ace::Object::add_row() and add_tree() functions, making it easier to build
	up objects from scratch, or to mix and match objects from different databases.
        4. Added Ace::parse() and parse_file() methods, for creating objects from .ace files.
	5. Removed nulls from error strings.
1.47-49	Internal releases
1.46	1. Fixed nasty bug in which newlines appeared as "n" in text
1.45.   1. Fixed problems with autogeneration
	2. Added the format() routine 3. Added the model() methods and
 	Ace::Model class
1.44	1. Added the auto_save() routine to the API
	2. Fixed problem of hanging tace processes after quitting local sessions
	3. Fixed problem with creation of new objects in local
1.43	1. Moved the unescape routine into the C level for performance reasons.
	2. Should now escape \? correctly and handle most protection issues.

1.42	1. Numerous small bug fixes

1.41	1. Fixed problem with truncation of trees at zero values
	2. Fixed implementation of updating wrt new aceservers

1.46    1. Fixed nasty replacement of newlines by "n" characters in text fields.

1.45    Internal release only.

1.44	1. Added the auto_save() routine to the API
	2. Fixed problem of hanging tace processes after quitting local sessions
	3. Fixed problem with creation of new objects in local sessions.

1.43	1. Moved the unescape routine into the C level for performance reasons.
	2. Should now escape \? correctly and handle most protection issues.

1.42	1. Numerous small bug fixes

1.41	1. Fixed problem with truncation of trees at zero values
	2. Fixed implementation of updating wrt new aceservers

1.40    Internal version, never released	

1.39	1. Workaround for problem with dropped date fields

1.38	1. list() is now deprecated.  Use fetch() instead
	2. grep() method added
	3. -total parameter added to fetch() grep() and find()
	4. ace.pl added to exampe directory
	5. new patch file adds a few essential bug fixes to ace 4_5e.
	6. asGIF() method is now documented
	7. updated patchfile to include "phoenix effect" aceserver bug
1.37    1. Added timestamp and comment handling.
	2. Added -filled and -chunksize arguments to fetch_many().
	3. Quashed a bug in list(-filled).
	4. More regression tests.
1.36	6/6/98 Substantial API changes:
	1. row() now returns everything to the right of the current object INCLUSIVE
	of the object.  Calling row() in a scalar context returns the size of the
	array, not the first member of the array.

	2. col() now takes an optional numeric argument indicating how far to the
	right in the tree to go.  Specifically col(2) implements tag[2] semantics.

	3. search() now takes an optional numeric argument indicating how
 	far to the right in the tree to go before retrieving the column.
	Specifically, search($tag,2) implements tag[2] semantics.

	4. automatically-generated methods (such as Homol) now take an optional
	numeric argument that is passed to search.  $obj->Homol(2) implements
	tag[2] semantics.

	5. fetch() now takes an optional tag argument which will be followed
	prior to fetching from the database.  $obj->fetch('Laboratory') will
	return the Laboratory object.

	6. tace can be used to access local databases, by passing a -path
 	argument to the Ace::connect() method.

	7. dates are displayed in Java style (3 March 1998 hh:mm:ss) by 
	default.  This can be altered with a call to Ace::date_style().

	8. Default port has changed to 23456

1.34    5/20/98 Fixed bug in Ace.xs caused by 1.33 change!  Only some objects
	were retrieved by fetch().

1.33    5/19/98 Fixed bug in Ace.xs that caused client to crash on "quit" query.

1.01	3/20/98 Fixed bug in _appendToTable() routine that caused asHTML to hang.

1.00	2/25/98 First released version