Revision history for Perl extension Bio::Graphics.
0.96 Fri Jan 11 13:23:03 EST 2002
	-Added support for displaying heterogeneous features, such as WABA similarities.

0.95 Thu Jan  3 08:50:01 EST 2002  (LS)
	-Removed generic genome browser from project, it is now part of

0.92 Sat Dec  8 23:28:19 EST 2001  (LS)
	-Fixed up key glyph so that it correctly tracks what appears on screen
	-Fixed wormbase_transcript glyph so that it uses the skinny arrow when 
	 there isn't enough room to show the filled arrow.

0.91 Sun Nov 18 22:59:14 EST 2001  (LS)
	-Modified to accept vanilla GFF format.
	-Fixed so that empty tracks (height zero) do not take
	 up space in the map.

0.90  Sun Nov 18 21:46:46 EST 2001  (LS)
	- Added the gbrowse genome browser script and supporting files
	- Added a wormbase_transcript glyph for Wormbase's curated/uncurated genes.

0.85  Mon Oct  1 16:41:57 EDT 2001  (LS)
	- Changed all instances of stop() to end() so that BioSeqFeatureI is supported

0.82  Fri Jul 20 10:36:57 EDT 2001  (LS)
	- Removed perl 5.6'isms.
	- Added appropriate documentation to Feature.

0.81  Tue Jun 12 09:30:10 EDT 2001  (LS)
	- Messed up sourceforge upload, so bumping version no
		to clean up.

0.80  Tue Jun 12 09:10:15 EDT 2001  (LS)
	- Basically functional
	- examples in eg/
	- Bio::Graphics::Panel documentation complete,
		other documentation incomplete

0.01  Tue Jun  5 07:26:52 2001  (LS)
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.20 with options
		-n Bio::Graphics -A