Revision history for Perl extension Bio::Graphics.

2.02 Sun Mar 14 18:44:04 EDT 2010
     - Added a wiggle_whiskers glyph that works nicely with BigWig and
       BigBed data.
     - Fixed processed_transcript (and gene) glyphs so that thin UTRs are more attractive.
     - Fixed the behavior of transcript arrows to be more customizable and not to get
       too large.
     - Segments glyph now shows mismatches when zoomed out and -show_mismatches is true.
     - Added an -indel_color option to segments glyph to show indels in a different color
       from simple nucleotide substitutions.
     - Added a -mismatch_only option to segments glyph that only shows mismatching base
       pairs when zoomed in.

2.01 Thu Feb 25 16:46:08 EST 2010
     - Fixed display of alignments that have hard-clipping in their CIGAR strings.

2.00 Wed Jan 20 11:12:13 EST 2010
     - Added the "cross" glyph for DAS compatibility.
     - Fixed the triangle glyph so that DAS stylesheets can set orientation
     - Fixed wiggle_xyplot/density documentation of smoothing options.  
     - Turn off sampling from wiggle loader by default (turn it on with --sample option).
     - Multiple sequence alignment code in the segments glyph has been updated to deal with
       the Samtools case of both reference DNA and target reporting minus strand alignments.
     - It felt like time to go to 2.00.

1.995 Wed Jan  6 10:06:17 EST 2010
      - Fixed the gene glyph so that non-SO genes (gene=>exon without an intervening transcript)
        display properly. Otherwise the exons were bumping.
      - Added support for "featureRGB" and "featureScore" special color names. This provides
        an additional level of UCSC graphics compatibility.

1.994 Thu Dec 10 10:07:19 EST 2009
      - The GFF3 Gap attribute (which contains a CIGAR string) is now supported in the segments
      glyph. Set -split_on_cigar=>1 when creating the track in order to activate this feature.

1.993 Thu Dec  3 06:36:06 EST 2009
      - Fixed issue which caused GD::SVG rendering of xyplot glyph to show scale
      but no values under some circumstances.

1.992 Wed Nov 18 13:06:07 EST 2009
      - Fixed issue in which the connector vanishes when zoomed in to
        the region between two parts (such as the region between two

1.991 Mon Nov 16 09:20:18 EST 2009
      - CPAN upload failed due to lack of $VERSION in hybrid_plot. Uploaded again.
1.99 Mon Nov 16 08:15:23 EST 2009  
     - Segments glyph now handles indels for features that have CIGAR strings.
1.982 Wed Aug 26 17:57:43 EDT 2009
     - Fixed DAS stylesheet support so that Ensembl and Dazzle sources both work
1.981 Wed Aug 19 15:21:31 EDT 2009
     - Peter Ruzanov fixed bug in wiggle_xyplot that caused histogram to go to background
       color under some circumstances.
1.98 Mon Jul  6 09:48:58 EDT 2009
     - Documented -feature_limit in the Panel docs as well as in Glyph.
     - Fixed bug in wiggle_xyplot that caused an ugly 1-pixel rectangle to be drawn
       in the case of a zero-height data value.
1.97 Thu Jul  2 15:22:21 EDT 2009
     - Added "feature_limit" option to put a cap on the maximum number of features that a 
     track will attempt to display. This only works correctly if features are added one at a
     time with add_feature().
1.96 Thu Jun  4 17:49:57 EDT 2009
     - Added "hat" and "hidden" glyphs, and changed way that the "line" glyph works in order to
     support DAS 1.5.
1.95 Sat May 30 18:07:21 EDT 2009
     - In the substitution pattern rules, $id is replaced with the
     output of either the feature_id or primary_id methods depending 
     on which one is implemented.
     - The glyph will now render into SVG if a sufficiently-current
     GD::SVG module is available.
     - Some fixes to the segments glyph to work better with Bio::DB::Bam
     rendering at the base pair level.
     - The script can now create SVGs.
1.94 Wed Apr 29 05:59:02 EDT 2009
     - Added a "fast" bumping option suitable for very dense tracks in which
       all features have identical height. Activate it using -bump=>3 or
     - Fixed division by zero error in xyplot glyph when min_score==max_score.
1.93 Thu Apr  2 18:20:35 EDT 2009
     - Many fixes to ideograph glyph to be more stable.
     - Fixed minor display issues involving bumping and directional arrows.
     - Continued documenting glyphs. About 75% done.
1.92 Tue Mar 31 00:38:16 EDT 2009
     - Added documentation system for glyphs, but only half the glyphs are documented this way so far.
     - Bug fixes for GBrowse on Windows.
1.91 Tue Mar 17 09:54:02 EDT 2009
     - wiggle_density now supports local scaling
     - wiggle loader now defaults to clipping at 2 stdev
     - adjusted default smoothing parameters to do less smoothing
1.90 Sun Mar 15 01:11:28 EDT 2009
     - Optimized Bio::Graphics::Wiggle to sample directly from disk when the desired visualization
       size is significantly (less than 100 fold) smaller than the length of the region to
       be sampled.
1.88 Sat Mar 14 23:31:46 EDT 2009
     -Cleaned up calculation of min and max values for scaling and introduced the "autoscale" option.
1.87 Sat Mar 14 20:56:47 EDT 2009
     -Fixed bug in xyplot visualization.
1.86 Sat Mar 14 12:22:50 EDT 2009
     -Improved performance of wiggle xyplot drawing about 5-fold
     -Added minor ticks to xyplots
1.83 Fri Jan  9 20:44:41 MST 2009
     - Made #include directive case-insensitive.
1.80 December 2008
     - Split off from Bio::Perl after a 6-year hiatus.
1.05 Fri Apr 12 20:53:42 EDT 2002
	- Version 1.04 had a fatal bug.  Do not use.  1.05 fixes this
	and is identical to BioPerl 1.01.
1.04 Fri Apr 12 08:20:35 EDT 2002
	- Take advantage of optimizations in Bio::DB::GFF::Feature so don't
	have to retrieve subfeatures at low magnifications (when you can't
	see 'em anyway).
1.03 Fri Apr 12 00:26:12 EDT 2002
	- Fixes to handle case of a transcript glyph that is zoomed in so
	far that only an intron shows (no exons).
1.02 Sun Mar 31 16:19:35 EST 2002
	- Make the Bio::Graphics::Feature objects more-or-less compatible with
		Bio::SeqFeatureI and Bio::LocationI.  Slightly difficult because
		this is a moving target.
	- Minor bugfixes to support Generic Genome browser version 1.37
0.98 Fri Feb 22 14:02:11 EST 2002
	-Fixed up the scale so that numbers don't (or shouldn't)

0.97 Mon Feb 18 22:04:57 EST 2002
	-Added the "dna" glyph, which supports display of raw DNA and a GC
	content histogram.

0.96 Fri Jan 11 13:23:03 EST 2002
	-Added support for displaying heterogeneous features, such as WABA similarities.

0.95 Thu Jan  3 08:50:01 EST 2002  (LS)
	-Removed generic genome browser from project, it is now part of

0.92 Sat Dec  8 23:28:19 EST 2001  (LS)
	-Fixed up key glyph so that it correctly tracks what appears on screen
	-Fixed wormbase_transcript glyph so that it uses the skinny arrow when 
	 there isn't enough room to show the filled arrow.

0.91 Sun Nov 18 22:59:14 EST 2001  (LS)
	-Modified to accept vanilla GFF format.
	-Fixed so that empty tracks (height zero) do not take
	 up space in the map.

0.90  Sun Nov 18 21:46:46 EST 2001  (LS)
	- Added the gbrowse genome browser script and supporting files
	- Added a wormbase_transcript glyph for Wormbase's curated/uncurated genes.

0.85  Mon Oct  1 16:41:57 EDT 2001  (LS)
	- Changed all instances of stop() to end() so that BioSeqFeatureI is supported

0.82  Fri Jul 20 10:36:57 EDT 2001  (LS)
	- Removed perl 5.6'isms.
	- Added appropriate documentation to Feature.

0.81  Tue Jun 12 09:30:10 EDT 2001  (LS)
	- Messed up sourceforge upload, so bumping version no
		to clean up.

0.80  Tue Jun 12 09:10:15 EDT 2001  (LS)
	- Basically functional
	- examples in eg/
	- Bio::Graphics::Panel documentation complete,
		other documentation incomplete

0.01  Tue Jun  5 07:26:52 2001  (LS)
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.20 with options
		-n Bio::Graphics -A