Version 1.14
    * A last minute typo broke the regression tests. This is now fixed.
      Don't use version 1.13.

Version 1.13
    * Fixed another bug in padded_alignments(), which caused the source dna
      sequence to be reported incorrectly for mismatches. Thanks to David Gacquer <>
      for identifying all these bugs.
Version 1.12
    * Fixed the padded_alignments() method to correct "method not found"
      bug introduced in version 1.11.

Version 1.11
    * Fixed the padded alignments returned for hard-clipped alignments.

Version 1.10
    * Added a new Bio::DB::Bam method for caching remote files' indices in the
      temp directory. This is used by default by high-level API.
    * Fixed bug in soft and hard clipping code; query endpoints should be
      correct now.
    * Fixed bug in get_all_tags() which was choking on "Z" style tags and giving
      scrambled results.
    * $feature->query now reports the DNA query in canonical (ref)
      coordinates; only $feature->target reverse complements the query
      DNA to give the data actually read; cigar string is always in
      canonical coordinates

Version 1.09
    * Disabled checks for file readability when path is a remote BAM
      index. This allows transparent access to BAM databases on
      http/ftp servers.
Version 1.08
    * Implemented a clone() method for use immediately before or after
      a fork() attempt.

Version 1.07
    * IMPORTANT API CHANGE 1: The feature strand now returns +1 or -1 to indicate 
      whether the query was reverse complemented in the SAM file.
    * IMPORTANT API CHANGE 2: The $feature->query object's dna() and seq() methods
      now return the sequence as it was read, rather than the reverse
      complemented version as represented in the SAM file. $feature->qseq() 
      returns the reverse complemented version as before.

Version 1.06
    * Updated README to be more explicit about how to troubleshoot 
      compile errors.
    * Modifed so that Bio::DB::Sam will work with GBrowse 1.

Version 1.05
    * Bio::DB::Sam->seq_id() method no longer lower-cases reference names.
    * Quashed enormous memory leak in the pileup() function.

Version 1.04
    * Updated example BAM file (ex1.bam) to be compatible with 1.06 version
      of samtools.

Version 1.03
    * Fixed documentation on running with GBrowse.
    * Fixed alignwrapper behavior so that GBrowse searches don't crash.
Version 1.02
    * Fixed bug in parsing of unsigned integer tags that caused some tags to
      be treated as signed integer.

Version 1.01
    * Fixed Build.PL to pick up correct location of bam header files.
    * Eliminated several memory leaks that manifested when reading BAM files 
      with lots of targets.
    * Made -fasta argument optional when using high-level interface.

Version 1.00
    * initial release

Tue Jun 23 23:47:28 BST 2009
    * Many documentation improvements
    * Improved performance of high-level interface for fetch() and pileup() functions.
    * Added information to README about how to compile with samtools 0.1.4

Thu May  7 09:47:02 EDT 2009
    * See t/01sam.t for a demonstration of the API.
    * Essentially all of the API is fleshed out, with the exception of the ability to generate
      padded alignment itself.
    * The $alignment->query() interface is the one to use for retrieving start, end and sequence
      of the query sequence. The $alignment->target() interface flips the meaning of start and
      end when the alignment is reversed, to accomodate old AceDB/GFF2 scripts.