Revision history for Perl extension Crypt::CBC.
2.03 Mon Feb 4 15:41:51 EST 2002
-Patch from Andy Turner <> to allow backward
compatibility with old versions when key length exceeded max.
2.02 Thu Jan 24 00:15:52 EST 2002
- Default to pre-2.00 style padding, because Jody's default padding
method was not binary safe.
2.01 Mon Dec 10 12:11:35 EST 2001
- Removed debugging code.
2.00 Tue Oct 31, 2000
- Patches for foreign program compatibility, initialization vectors
and padding methods from Jody Biggs <>
1.25 Thu Jun 8 11:56:28 EDT 2000
- Bug fix didn't get into version 1.24. Is in version 1.25
1.24 Tue Jun 6 17:35:18 EDT 2000
- Fixed a bug that prevented a DES and an IDEA object from being
used simultaneously.
1.22 Wed Jan 26 19:07:30 EST 2000
- Added support for Crypt::Blowfish (available from
- Fixed failure to encrypt data files < 8 bytes
- Fixed -w warning when decrypting data files < 8 bytes
1.21 Mon Nov 29 17:11:17 EST 1999
- Generate random initialization vector.
- Use same encryption format as Ben Laurie's patches to OpenSSL (versions >= 0.9.5)
1.20 Sun Dec 20 3:58:01 1998 MET
- Folded in bug fixes from Devin Carraway <>
(chiefly having to do with finish() being called with a
zero-length buffer).
1.10 Thu Sep 11 09:15:01 1998
- Changed package name to Crypt::CBC
1.00 Tue Jun 16 07:37:35 1998
- original version; created by h2xs 1.18