Revision history for Business-Fixflo

0.10     2015-07-03
        - Fix Property Issues and Addresses attributes to return objects,
          since calls to this endpoint return a list of json objects and
          not a list or url strings

0.09     2015-07-02
        - Fix Authorization header when using api_key

0.08     2015-07-02
        - Add create_url and search_url to Issue object
        - Change cluck to carp
        - Add perldoc for FIXFLO_DEBUG env variable

0.07     2015-07-01
        - Add Property attribute to Issue object
        - Add ApiKey and Password attributes to Agency object
        - Support use of api_key to access API

0.06     2015-06-04
        - Add Issues attribute to Property object

0.05     2015-06-04
        - Add get method to QuickViewPanel to make it easy to get at
          the QuickViewPanel's data

0.04     2015-05-27
        - Clarify need to call ->get on Paginator objects in docs

0.03     2015-05-27
        - Fix call to GET Property endpoint

0.02     2015-04-01
        - Fixflo API updates added: Properties, PropertyAddresses, QVP

0.01     2014-12-16
        - First release