package Business::GoCardless::Webhook; =head1 NAME Business::GoCardless::Webhook =head1 DESCRIPTION A class for gocardless webhooks, extends L<Business::GoCardless::Resource>. For more details see the gocardless API documentation specific to webhooks: =cut use strict; use warnings; use Moo; extends 'Business::GoCardless::Resource'; with 'Business::GoCardless::Utils'; use JSON (); use Business::GoCardless::Exception; =head1 ATTRIBUTES resource_type action =cut has [ qw/ resource_type action _payload / ] => ( is => 'rw', clearer => 1, ); =head1 Operations on a webhook =head2 json Allows you to set the json data sent to you in the webhook: $Webhook->json( $json_data ) Will throw a L<Business::GoCardless::Exception> exception if the json fails to parse or if the signature does not match the payload data. =cut has json => ( is => 'rw', required => 1, trigger => sub { my ( $self,$json ) = @_; # defensive decoding my $params; eval { $params = JSON->new->decode( $json ) }; $@ && do { $self->_clear_payload; $self->clear_resource_type; $self->clear_action; Business::GoCardless::Exception->throw({ message => "Failed to parse json: $@", }); }; $self->resource_type( $params->{payload}{resource_type} ); $self->action( $params->{payload}{action} ); $self->_payload( $params->{payload} ); if ( ! $self->signature_valid( $params->{payload},$self->client->app_secret ) ) { $self->_clear_payload; $self->clear_resource_type; $self->clear_action; Business::GoCardless::Exception->throw({ message => "Invalid signature for webhook", }); } return $json; } ); =head2 resources Returns an array of resource objects (Bill, Subscription, etc) that are present in webhook allowing you to do things with them or update your own data: if ( $Webhook->is_bill ) { foreach my $Bill ( $Webhook->resources ) { ... } } elsif ( $Webhook->is_subscription ) { ... =cut sub resources { my ( $self ) = @_; my @resources; return if ! $self->resource_type; my $key = { bill => 'bills', pre_authorization => 'pre_authorizations', subscription => 'subscriptions', }->{ $self->resource_type }; my $class_suffix = ucfirst( $self->resource_type ); $class_suffix =~ s/_([A-z])/uc($1)/ge; my $class = "Business::GoCardless::$class_suffix"; foreach my $hash ( @{ $self->_payload->{ $key } } ) { my $obj = $class->new( client => $self->client, %{ $hash }, ); push( @resources,$obj ); } return @resources; } =head2 is_bill =head2 is_pre_authorization =head2 is_subscription Shortcut methods to get the type of data in the webhook, and thus the type of objects that will be returned by the call to ->resources =cut sub is_bill { return shift->resource_type eq 'bill' } sub is_pre_authorization { return shift->resource_type eq 'pre_authorization' } sub is_subscription { return shift->resource_type eq 'subscription' } =head2 is_legacy See if the webhook is a legacy (Basic API) webhook if ( $Webhook->is_legacy ) { ... } =cut sub is_legacy { 1 } =head1 CONFIRMING WEBHOOKS According to the gocardless API docs you should respond once the signature of the webhook has been checked. The response is a HTTP status 200 code: HTTP/1.1 200 OK You should handle this in your own code, the library will not do it for you. See for more information =head1 AUTHOR Lee Johnson - C<> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. If you would like to contribute documentation, features, bug fixes, or anything else then please raise an issue / pull request: =cut 1; # vim: ts=4:sw=4:et