Revision history for Business-GoCardless

0.39     2023-09-01
        - Add funds_settlement (and is managed/is_direct) to Mandate object

0.38     2023-04-03
        - Fix a warning in Business::GoCardless::Resource

0.37     2023-02-01
        - Add verified_at to Mandate object

0.36     2022-09-01
        - Add consent_parameters to Mandate object

0.35     2020-01-08
        - Remove references to Basic API along with the modules
          relating to it and the upgrade guide

0.34     2019-12-03
        - Add fx to Payout and Payment objects (GH #14)

0.33     2019-04-02
        - Fix support more legacy params in call to redirect flows

0.32     2018-12-14
        - Fix PUT/POST requests when no content lenght (GH #13)

0.31     2017-11-07
        - Fix sending of non-ASCII data in JSON requests to GoCardless
          by calling ->utf8 on the JSON object prior to ->encode

0.30     2017-09-27
        - Add mandate update, cancel, and status methods + test coverage (GH #12)
        - Fix typos in error reporting when failing to set attribtutes

0.29     2017-09-22
        - Add mandate method to ::Pro and ::RedirectFlow

0.28     2017-09-22
        - Add confirmation_url to RedirectFlow
        - Improve setting of attributes on objects to not b0rk on
          newly addded and not yet supported ones

0.27     2017-09-12
        - Update some perldoc relating to Webhooks and Events

0.26     2017-09-12
        - Automatically handle legacy webhooks in the ::Pro ->webhook code

0.25     2017-09-05
        - Add missing attributes to Payout class for Pro API (GH #11)

0.24     2017-09-05
        - Support the payout resource in an event (GH #10, thanks to grifferz)

0.23     2017-08-31
        - Add missing attributes to Mandate clasee (GH #8, thanks to grifferz)
        - Fix some typos (GH #9, thanks to grifferz)

0.22     2017-08-14
        - Don't send empty params to GoCardless for user information
          to prevent incorrect assumptions about the user on the GoCardless
        - print out request and response data in if GOCARDLESS_DEBUG
          ENV variable is set

0.21     2017-06-10
        - Fix add missing module to MANIFEST

0.20     2017-06-09
        - Fix add missing module to MANIFEST

0.19     2017-06-08
        - Fix documentation typos
        - Fix VERSION confusion by moving $Business::GoCardless::VERSION
          into the main module to avoid parts of the cpan(m|ts) toolchain
          getting confused

0.18     2017-06-06
        - Fix documentation typos

0.17     2017-06-06
        - Add support for some functionality in the v2 (Pro) API
        - Add classes and tests to support the v2 (Pro) API
        - Add Business::GoCardless::Upgrading to document upgrade steps

0.16     2016-09-29
        - Clarify the version of the GoCardless API this dist works with

0.15     2016-09-28
        - Fix is_pre_authorization and is_subscription in B::G::Webhook
          as previously they were the wrong way around

0.14     2016-05-22
        - Kwalitee improvements

0.13     2016-05-17
        - Transfer repo from G3S to Humanstate

0.12     2015-10-21
        - Move github repo to Humanstate org

0.11     2015-04-02
        - Documentation clarification regarding which API version this lib
          is for (as GoCardless are working on Basic v2 BETA and Pro APIs)

0.10     2014-12-01
        - Documentation and distribution tweaks

0.09     2014-09-17
        - Document the confirmation of webhooks

0.08     2014-09-16
        - POD updates

0.07     2014-09-16
        - Add Webhook support (

0.06     2014-09-10
        - Replace use of TryCatch with Try::Tiny in tests

0.05     2014-09-06
        - Kwalitee improvements in distribution

0.04     2014-09-06
        - fix test failures for checking JSON boolean values

0.03     2014-09-04
        - Correct links in perldoc

0.02     2014-09-04
        - Remove dependency on Mojo::JSON in a couple of tests
        - Fix use of undef as an ARRAY in Utils::normalize_params

0.01     2014-09-04
        - First release