Revision history for Business-Monzo

0.07     2016-09-29
        - Rename distribution to Business-Monzo

0.06     2016-08-21
        - live API test is absorbed into emulated test so can run the same
          test against both live and emulated endpoints

0.05     2016-07-22
        - Use Any type for Booleans as some test failures with Bool related
          to incorrect coercion (?) of JSON::PP boolean types (GH #4)

0.04     2016-05-28
        - Add missing attributes to Transaction and Merchant objects (GH #3)

0.03     2016-05-22
        - Kwalitee improvements

0.02     2016-04-28
        - Tweak merchant coercion to handle null values

0.01     2016-04-27
        - First release