Revision history for HTML::GoogleMaps::V3

0.10 2017-01-01
        - fix various typos in the module (GH #12)
        - allow dependency injection of the GeoCoder module (GH #14)
        - thanks to Nigel Horne for the above patch

0.09 2016-11-11
        - pass sensor=false with api_key (GH #11)
        - thanks to Nigel Horne for the above patch

0.08 2016-11-09
        - pass api_key and apidriver to Geo::Coder::Google (GH #9)
        - fix scrolling of embedded map (GH #10)
        - thanks to Nigel Horne for the above patches

0.07 2016-11-07
        - add documentation for return values for functions (GH #5)

0.06 2016-05-22
        - add LICENCE and use warnings

0.05 2016-05-12
        - Transfer repo from G3S to Humanstate

0.04 2016-05-08
        - Use https rather than http (GH #3)
        - Update to v3 of API (GH #2)

0.03 2016-04-26
        - Remove dead links from POD

0.02 2016-04-25
        - Add dist information to Makefile.PL (GH #1, thanks to Manwar)

0.01 2016-04-25
        - First version, forked from HTML::GoogleMaps