Revision history for Mojolicious-Plugin-NYTProf

0.10     2014-10-14
        - [Fix] Add couple of files to MANIFEST that may have been causing test
            failues on some platforms / version of perl

0.09     2014-09-06
        - [Fix] Kwalitee issues in distribution

0.08     2014-09-04
        - [Fix] compatible with latest version of Mojolicious (5.37)

0.07     2014-07-18
        - [Fix] Tests will BAIL_OUT when nytprofhtml is not found
        - [Fix] Warning from bad entry in MANIFEST file
        - [Add] Travis CI config

0.06     2014-04-25
        - [Fix] Errors in perldoc

0.05     2014-04-25
        - [Fix] Don't profile static files
        - [Add] perldoc for configuration
        - [Add] Disable in production unless forced by config
        - [Add] Allow passthrough of Devel::NYTProf env options
        - [Add] Allow config of hooks used to start/stop profiling

0.04     2014-04-25
        - [Fix] Better attempt to find nytprofhtml script

0.03     2014-04-24
        - [Add] Best attempt to find nytprofhtml script

0.02     2014-04-24
        - [Fix] Tweak tests for content of Devel::NYTProf output
            as calling ->content_like doesn't DTRT all the time
        - [Add] t/ for running to test actual browser interaction

0.01     2014-04-24
        - First release, inspired by Dancer::Plugin::NYTProf