Revision history for Mojolicious-Plugin-OAuth2-Server

0.07     2015-02-11
        - call verify_client before redirecting to login / confirm scopes
          as there's no point logging a user in, etc, if the client is bad
        - make _verify_access_token return a list as _verify_auth_code so
          we can report the failure reason in a meaningful way.
        - add example schema and code for using the module with a relational
        - harden token generation function using Crypt::PRNG random_string

0.06     2015-02-10
        - test and documentation for flash + redirect in a full fat app

0.05     2015-02-07
        - use warnings and fix any raised by tests

0.04     2015-02-06
        - refatoring and consistency tweaks

0.03     2015-02-06
        - fix regexp in tests to be looser

0.02     2015-02-06
        - POD tweaks
        - set minimum perl version (5.10.1)

0.01     2015-02-06
        - First release inspired by frustration, confusion, and hate when trying
          to implement OAuth2 resource/auth server using existing CPAN modules