Most recent changes on top.
Mon Jun 6 02:12:02 EDT 2005
- Added README to the manifest...
Sun Jun 5 22:29:59 EDT 2005
- Replace eval's of datatypes to get base data type with
Scalar::Util. That module is stable enough to be reasonably
installed along with this one and simplifies this code quite a bit.
Tue Sep 28 14:20:05 EDT 2004
- Fix POD typos.
Sat Sep 25 02:44:18 EDT 2004
- Update the Makefile.PL description.
- Added NEXT to the required modules.
Sat Sep 25 01:28:29 EDT 2004
- Single array type didn't cut it. Split them into queue and
stack. Both push the data at each step, queue uses EVERY::init
stack uses EVERY::LAST::init.
Difference is that given a base class with qw( a b c ) and
derived of qw( d e f ) the stack ends up with qw( d e f a b c )
where the queue has qw( a b c d e f ).
package MyArray;
use NEXT::init [ qw( a b c ) ];
package Queue;
use base qw( MyArray );
use NEXT::init qw( :type=queue d e f );
package Stack;
use base qw( MyArray );
use NEXT::init qw( :type=stack d e f );
Running the code:
my $obj8 = Queue->construct( qw( queue ) );
my $obj9 = Stack->construct( qw( stack ) );
Queue vs. Stack:
bless( [
], 'Queue' )
bless( [
], 'Stack' )
- Removed merge, the constructor and a single init are
all that's required.
- *meta is reused for both the data (hash or array) and
a method that returns the referent. Main use of the
sub is to get something un-blessed to determine the
base data type to use for an object.
- init's use @{*$meta} and %{*$meta} to grab current
values -- original code used the internal data referent
which led to static data. This allows a class that
uses N::i to modify its metadata on the fly and have
new object utilize the updated data.
- Base data types (ones without a use base that involves
N::i) must be passed as referents or specified via
:type=[hash|queue|stack]. This ensures that the
data is initialized properly. Probably the simplest
way is to pass the most-basic data as referents in all
cases and use the 'stack' type only when necessary
(arrays default to queue). After that use simple lists
for derived types and let the import handle the rest
for itself.
- Comments.
- POD.
Tue Sep 7 18:57:45 EDT 2004
- Replace no strict 'refs' with Symbol.
- Comments.
- Arg's can now be :foo=bar to set base type of object.
- Install &meta to return metadata referent. Allows
ref $obj->meta to get a base type for data-less objects.
Fri Aug 13 15:10:08 EDT 2004
- Initial release. Code tested in-house,
interface seems stable.