Revision history for Perl extension Parallel::Depend
(most recent first).

4.04 Thu May 21 15:57:40 EDT 2009

- Added '~' to set job-specific attributes.
  This avoids having to set jobs calling ad_hoc
  in their own group in order to avoid forking
  them. The nofork setting is requird to make 
  the schedule changes visible to the execution
  handler (otherwise they are installed into a 
  forked proc's copy of the queue and discarded).

  The new syntax also allows setting verbose,
  etc, for single jobs. The default for most
  items is true (1), separate the attribute
  with whitespace to store another value:

  peaches : cream

  peaches ~ ad_hoc          # peaches is *not* forked.
  peaches ~ verbose         # verbose % 1 for peaches.
  cream   ~ verbose 2       # verbose %2 for cream.

  peaches   = frobnicate    # ad_hoc doesn't affect alias

- Begin [long overdue] POD updates.

- Isolate all attribute sanity checks in
  validate_attrs. Makes it easier to 

- Clean up t/13*t for checking ad_hoc handling.

4.03 Tue May 19 14:15:18 EDT 2009

- $mgr->ad_hoc will now add jobs into a running
  schedule. This is intended for cases where one
  job will, say, examine the filesystem and 
  generate jobs for each file it finds. Because
  it is not possible [yet] to re-validated a 
  running queue, it is up to the caller to 
  avoid deadlocks in schedules with ad-hoc
  components. See t/13*t for examples of 
  generating and using the ad_hoc call.

- Add "prefork" and "postfork" calls. The former
  is made in the parent process, the latter in the
  child. These are mainly for cleaning up things
  like DBI handles to a known state. If the manager
  object can( thing ) then it will be called.

4.02 May 11 2009

- Remove Devel::Size from the main tests; add new 
  ones that aren't part of the normal test cycle
  for anyone else who cares. That removes Devel::Size
  from the dependency list.

4.00 Mon Mar 23 11:01:50 EDT 2009

- use v5.10;

- Adding nested groups required a full re-write
  of the guts. The groups are parsed completely,
  including nesting, during prepare. This means
  that there are no more delayed-effects from 
  parsing groups. This now allows the groups
  to be handled without a separate fork, so the
  maxjobs applies across multiple groups running
  at the same time.

  Keeping the group items in on place required
  adding a namespace for jobs within groups --
  the older method hid the groups from one 
  another via forks. This leaves the keys for
  job, alias, attribute, etc, entries looking
  like $que->{ $namespace, $job }. The default
  (global) namespace is an empty string, successive
  levels of groups are appended to their parent
  namespace to get their own.

  The namespace and name can be taken from:

      my $i         = rindex $fullname, $Parallel::Depend::job_id_sep;
      my $namespace = substr $fullname, 0, $i;
      my $name      = substr $fullname, $i+2;

  the separator variable is a read-only copy of 
  $; (which gets messy in syntax use).

  Namespaces are also used to generate log and
  runfiles, with the $; replaced with '-'.
- Same basic interface, saner logging,
  nested groups. Also the parser and pieces of the
  execution engine were broken out into smaller
  chunks for easier viewing. 

  The main external differences are that the run
  files include a timestamp and the log files 
  use a group-nested namespace for everything.
  Logging also includes the namespace (i.e., 
  nested group) for all jobs to uniquely 
  identify them (i.e. no more collisions between
  job names in separate groups). Unneeded subs
  were also stripped from P::D::Util (see
  00* tests for quick list of public methods).

  Dependencies between groups are also a bit 
  more reliable with group namespaces for the

  More, smaller tests give a better illustration
  of how to use the code.

  This also leaves the queue structure suitable
  for persistence management via DBM::Deep, which
  would allow simpler restarts without depending
  on the local filesystem for bookkeeping.

3.07 Wed Jan 28 16:15:58 EST 2009

- Update META.yaml, minor cleanups.
- use fileparse to strip directory, suffix from 
  job before generating pidfile. this allows 
  rooted paths to be used as job specifiers.


3.06 Sun Jan 25 19:48:58 EST 2009

- Put autodie into Makefile.PL

3.05 Thu Jan 22 18:49:29 EST 2009

- Push the prefix into attributes to simplify handling
  during group/subqueue. This puts all of the inherited
  items into @inherit.

- Add tests for existing .pid, .out, .err files in 

- Update POD for changes since Schedule::Depend was
  retired in favor of "Parallel::Depend".

- Remove 'executed' flag: it caused too much confusion
  when used with subque and groups. The precheck method
  deals with this gracefully enough at this point.

3.04 Mon Jan 19 16:44:06 EST 2009

- Minor code & doc cleanups.

- Handle prefixes a bit more gracefully by
  defaulting the initial prefix to basename $0.

3.03 Sat Dec 27 15:00:13 EST 2008

- Regex Typo.

3.02 Wed Dec 24 13:05:32 EST 2008

- Clean up group handling.
- Clean up whitespace handling.
- Simplify loops for building que elements prior
  to breaking them out into separate sub's.
- Add autodie to requisites.

3.01 Tue Dec 23 12:59:47 EST 2008

- Modify regex to handle splitting up standalone
  jobs ('foo:') to handle whitespace variances.

3.0 Mon Dec 22 18:05:42 EST 2008

- Reworked interface, parsing. Interface now uses
  inside-out class for the que data, allows using
  any generic object as the manager.

- Parsing input schedule is faster, especially for
  large schedule lists.

2.5 Fri Apr 29 19:48:08 EDT 2005

- Added S::D::U::handle_que_args

    Allows que methods to use:

        my ( $que, $config ) = &handle_args;


        my ( $config ) = &handle_args;

    and yanks $que off of the stack. It also sets
    $DB::single = 1 if $que->debug (i.e., automatic
    breakpoint in debug mode) and logs the caller, 

    This replaces the top few lines of nearly every 
    que method.

2.4 Tue Apr 26 16:54:56 EDT 2005

- Replaced use of internal "debug" que attribute with
  "validate" to avoid conflict with "runsched" use of the
  attribute (debugging a queue). This allows for:

    $que->subque( %blah )->validate->execute;

  when executing via runsched in debug mode.

2.3 Sat Jan 15 10:17:11 EST 2005

- Added "splat" to Utilities. This writes out larger items
  as tab-separated-values files, which saves overhead of 
  Dumper. Update slurp to eval then split on newlines and
  tabs (i.e., handle splat output).

2.2 Mon Jan 10 08:20:47 UTC 2005

- Added sanity check for missing classes after use base of
  the user's use_base list. This spots missing classes (i.e,
  ones that didn't compile) before their sub's fail up as
  "shellexec" calls at runtime.

2.1 Sun Dec 26 06:34:50 EST 2004

- Fixed a typo in Utilities, replaced {basename} with {basenames} in 
  config check for localpath.

2.00 Sun Dec 26 06:34:50 EST 2004

- Added doc's for Execute, Utilities, and Config
  modules. Updated comments in all of the modules.

1.00 Fri Apr  9 01:28:58 CDT 2004

- Added Parallel::Depend::Execute, S::D::Config,
- Added Parallel::Depend::Execute, S::D::Config,
  S::D::Utilities to simplify generating #! code and
  methods for schedules. Execute exports "runsched"
  to handle running or debugging the schedules. The
  user supplies one more module to define a defaults
  hash and the #! code can be 4 lines.

- Utilities includes logging, nastygrams, progress
  mail, directory sanity checks, local path generation.

- Config handles extracting relavant portions of the
  main config hash. This is mainly for use in methods
  since they can use "$que->moduleconfig" to get a
  hash of defaults useful in the current module.

- The S::D interface is unlikely to change at this

- 2do: The added modules need more POD and tests in 

0.33 Mon Mar 15 23:07:33 CST 2004

 - Added use of @::ttyz to fork handler for easier 
   debugging of multi-level forks. Pre-opened term's
   can be listed in the global variable, which is 
   shifted off before each fork. This simplifies
   multi-level debugs (e.g., for groups).

 - execute does a better job of handling non-zero group
   exits and die's. They are stored in the $que object
   along with being handed back via exit status.

 - Doc bugs.

0.31 Sat Jan  4 21:40:03 CST 2003

 - 	Fixed noabort mode (works like "make -k"). Passing in 
 	abort => 0 will not set the $que->{abort} value and 
	will thus skip only jobs which depend on the one that

 -	Comment cleanups.

0.30 Mon Nov  4 17:11:56 CST 2002

 -	Parallel::Depend::subque can also handle a hash referent
 -	Parallel::Depend::subque can also handle a hash referent
 	as the schedule object.

 -	ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' allows passing the queue in as an 
 	array referent. Doesn't allow for blessed arrays, however, 
	which should stringify into the schedule.

 - 	added "ttylog" to avoid re-opening STDERR/STDOUT to .out
 	and .err files. This puts everything from the scheule onto
	the tty. Mainly useful for debugging or where network 
	interfaces might get cut off if there isn't any activitiy
	on the connection for too long.

 -	ttylog mode does not overwrite any existing log files
 	(or create new ones). This avoids creating a directory
	full of empty logs or overwriting valid ones during 
	a test run.

 -	Replaced the top-level que attributes (verbose, ttylog,
 	force, ...) with $que->{attrib}. This is the single unit
	of inherited data for sub-queues.

 -	Added $que->{user} as inherited piece of sub-queues along
 	with $que->{attrib}. The "user" entry is not managed in any
	other way by by S::D can be used to store information carried
	into sub-qeues, blessed, whatever.

 -	Minor internal bugfixes.

 -	Updated to handle new que syntax.

0.29 Thu Sep 12 19:31:32 CDT 2002

 -	Parallel::Depend::prepare will now take a hash ref as
 -	Parallel::Depend::prepare will now take a hash ref as
 	the schedule argument. This allows the schedule to be
	a list, text scalar, or hash ref.

0.28 Thu Sep 12 19:31:11 CDT 2002

 - 	Nothing, dealt with an upload screwup.

0.27 Tue Sep 10 14:32:58 CDT 2002

 -	Doc, comment cleanups.

 -	Cleaned up the distribution package a bit ( 
 	now lives in lib/Schedule).

0.26 Thu Jun  6 09:06:45 CDT 2002

 - 	debug argument avoids calling unalias, simply checks
 	if the job list deadlocks. This will >>not<< process groups
	beyond determining if they deadlock w/in the main schedule.
	The main purpose for this is assuring that the log and run
	directories are in place and that the que doesn't obviously

 - 	nofork argument runs the que serially without forking.
 	This is intended mainly for debugging and allows running
	scheduled using "perl -d" with impunity. It effectively
	limits the maxjobs to 1 since nothing is forked, the jobs
	are executed in an eval one by one.

 -	In order to avoid conflicts with the accessor methods,
 	the "debug" sub has been renamed to "validate".  If someone
	thinks of a better name warn me.

 -	POD updates.

0.25 Wed May 22 02:17:08 CDT 2002

 -	Blocking on job slots displays the blocked jobs if verbose > 1.

 -	Replace $que->{abort} with $que->{failure} to avoid confusion
 	with $que->{noabort} switch value. Failed queues now have
	the message in $que->{failure}. This doesn't effect the 
	external interface (aside from removing the "abort" accessor
	method and replacing it with "failure").

 -	Added "force" argument to override precheck croaking
 	on non-empty pidfiles without an exit. Used with
	restart, it forces execution of anything without an
	exit status in the pidfile.

 -	Decided on group syntax. Using '::' for groups is 
 	problematic due to Perl's module notation; almost
	anything else might appear in a shell alias. Current
	notation is to enclose the jobs in angle-brackets
	("<>") surrounded by whitespace. The closing delimeter
	makes it a bit more obvious that the group "encloses"
	the jobs.

		groupname < job1 job2 : job3 >
		groupname < job4 : job5 job6 >

	creates a single group with 6 jobs in it. Syntax for
	the group is a full scheudule. The default handler is
	group (i.e., groupname is aliased to "group" if none
	already exists when the group is processed).

	The group mechanism will look something like:

		Create a lookaside list for the group with the group's
		schedule in it. The schedule is keyed by the groupname.

		When the group becomes runnable then $que->group('groupname')
		is called, which prepares the schedule from the lookaside
		list and then executes it. If the groupname is aliased to
		another method then that one will be used to dispatch the
		group's schedule (e.g., $que->mygroup('groupname') via 
		"groupname = mygroup" in the schedule).

	The schedule then looks something like:

		transform = group	# optional, added automatically 

		transform < mungethis : mungethat >
		transform < mungeother : >

		transform : extract
		load : transform

	This creates a group with munge* jobs in it (they can be spread
	out however is most useful). The group handler converts this into
	something like:

		transform = group

		transform : extract
		load : transform

	When "transform" becomes runnable it is called via
	$que->group( 'transform' ) which calles subque with
	( sched => 'mungethis mungethat mungeother :' ) then
	prepares executes the sub-que.

 -	More doc updates. They now reflect most of reality.
 	Included example of using multi-line entries in the
	schedule via array ref.

 -	Fix typos in progress message trim, docs.


 -	unalias now returns an array of two items: the id string 
 	and a closure. the string is used in execute for displaying
	job status, the closure does the deed. This avoids the 
	current stringified code referent going into the pidfile
	as the job identifier.

 -	Added "STUB" with behavior identical to PHONY (i.e., returns
 	$job (STUB) immediately). Only purpose is to improve documentation
	during devleopment.

 -	Internal change to handle subque argument. This should not be
 	visible if the "subque" argument is not passed to preapre.

0.23 Wed May 15 11:12:44 CDT 2002

 -	Add'l sanity check in prepare for assigning to maxjob: arguments
 	only assign non-zero maxjob and only if maxjob is already zero.
	This avoids the prepare aruments overriding a schedule limit. Since
	zero is the default anyway this shouldn't cause any real pain.

 -	Minor boilerplate added to status sub.

 -	Comments.

0.22 Tue May  7 22:48:42 CDT 2002

 -	Added "informational" sub's to extract configuration and 
 	status of object:


		alias( @items )

			returns a copy of the alias hash (not the
			original) or a hash slice of the requested
			items from the hash.

			Returns an anon. hash with the values of
			alias(), restart, noabort, abort, verbose,
			and debug keyed by their names.

		These are mainly useful for creating sub-queues with
		largely the same values as the parent.

		And single-value items:

		restart()	true/false if que is restarting
		noabort()	true/false if que is running noabort.
		abort()		current abort value (string).

		verbose()	integer of verbosity.
		debug()		true/false if in debug mode.

		jobz()		$jobz{$pid} = $job (i.e., pid => job string ).
		pidz()		$pidz{$pid} = $pidfilepath

		rundir()	path of run directory
		logdir()	path of log directory

 -	Minor cleanups.

0.21 Sat May  4 13:43:47 CDT 2002

 -	PHONY jobs don't pre-check pidfiles.

 -	Zero-size pidfiles are assumed non-running in restart mode,
 	this saves having to blow off the unused pidfiles after a
	que is aborted via ^C.

 -	Few minor '==' code bugs.

 -	^C handling via $SIG{INT} handler setting $que->{abort}. 

 - 	TERM handler forwards a SIGTERM to the process group; forked
 	process sets $SIG{TERM} = 'DEFAULT'; if the child process
	needs any speical SIGTERM handling it will install that for
	itself on startup.

 -	Turned off warnings during the + 0 check in the child 
 	process to avoid logging warnings about non-numeric 

 - is in serious need of updates to check all of
 	this properly. 

 -	Minor code, comment cleanups.

 -	Remove Depndency on Text::Balanced.

0.19 Sat Apr 20 22:27:38 CDT 2002

 -	At this point the interface isn't going to change.

 -	Clean up unalias a bit, pushed lexicals into the

 -	Added croak ... unless $que at top of execute. Catches
 	accidental re-runs quicker.

 -	Code allows unalias to be called as a class method.
 	Main use of this is more automatic handling of the 
	if-ladder for cases where a preliminary job has to 
	be run outside of the schedule.

 - 	Added eval to require the package for A::B-type
 	aliases. This guarantees that $packag->can( $subroutine )
	succeeds even if S::D doesn't already have the
	package available.

 - 	Package::Subroutine alias handling includes an 
 	eval to require the sub in case it hasn't already 
	been pulled in where unalias can see it.

 -	unalias always returns a code referent. handling of
 	system calls is pushed into S::D->shellexec. This
	allows better logging of return values, since they
	actually mean something speicific. Also allows 
	overloaded method to run better sanity checks
	before dispatching to the shell if the environment
	is better controlled.

 -	Slightly better testing in to account for
 	some of the more offball alias formats.

0.18 Fri Apr 20 2002

 -	Comments, POD.

0.17 Pretend this never happend...

0.16 Wed Apr 17 20:54:30 CDT 2002

 -	Updated &precheck to use the last line of a 
 	pidfile if has >= 3 lines and perform a 
	numeric comparison to 0 for the exit status.
	This allows for the child + parent both 
	writing the status and sub's returning strings
	for successful execution.

 -	Put back the code that has the child writing
 	the returned scalar to the pidfile unmodified.
	This will store any return strings from called
	sub's. Parent gets back $result + 0 and writes
	the numeric pic to the file. Either way, the
	next pass with precheck can use "$linz[-1] = 0"
	to determine if the job completed successfully.

 -	Removed Text::Balanced until I can find out 
 	why it returns a block for "/foo/bar". Using
	regex /^({.+})$/ to extract any blocks.

0.15 Tue Apr 16 12:13:59 CDT 2002

 -	Add the use of Text::Balanced::extract_codeblock
 	to handle anon sub's in the aliases. This allows
	a schedule to contain valid perl blocks that will
	be compiled and executed at runtime. 

	For example:

		foo = { do_this($dir) || do_that($dir) or croak "$$: Neither that nor this!" }


		foo : bar 

	Will call the do_this or do_that sub's with the 
	value of $dir expanded in the parent process at
	Note that the code must be on a single line.

	Since unalias() is called in the parent this can
	have side effects on subsequent children (e.g., 
	foo = {do_this(pop @dirlist)}). 

0.12 Fri Apr 12 14:05:41 CDT 2002

 -	Added handling for sub's named with packages for
 	the calls. e.g., "Foo::Bar::bletch : frobnicate"
	will call the subroutine in that package if it 
	exists. This requirs some change in the parser
	since it now has to detect colons that aren't 
	followed by colons to perform the split (not 

	At this point unalias can automatically detect
	methods, local subs and subs w/ package names
	before dispatching to the shell.

	Order of lookups is also changed, from Package::Sub
	through method to sub.

 -	Replaced assignment for $run with test for ref $que
 	and defined $que->{alias}{$job}. This allows false 
	values for placeholders and avoids problems if unalias
	is called as a class method.

0.11 Fri Apr 12 03:46:48 CDT 2002

 - 	Stamped out some doc bugs. Mainly that the 
 	required argument is "sched" not "depend",
	empty aliases are no longer errors and 
	bogus pod.

0.10 Thu Apr 11 14:16:40 CDT 2002

 -	Update unlias to search for $que->can( $run ) or 
	__PACKAGE__->can($run)', using closures to call
	the method/sub with the aliased string as an
	argument. This allows scheduling of methods or
	subs by name without any modification to the 
	S::D code.

	The mechanism for finding sub's is to unalis the
	jobname first, look for the ->can or CODE ref
	and pass it the original jobname if it's found.


		abc : foo
		xyz : foo
		bar : foo

		bar : abc xyz

	to call foo('abc'), foo('xyz') and foo('bar').
	This might be useful for, say, cleaning up multiple
	directories. To pass more informaiton just use 
	the arguments as hash keys into a package/global
	value with the extra info.

 -	Assigning an empty or 'PHONY' alias is a noop.

		foo =


		foo = PHONY

	Will insert an immediate return of zero job into
	the schedule. This is mainly to neaten things up:

		foo =
		foo : long_named_job_one
		foo : even_longer_named_job_two
		foo : something_you_surely_do_not_want_to_type

		bar : foo

	now bar depends on all of the other three jobs without
	the line-from-hell in the middle of a schedule. This can
	also be handy for generating schedules on the fly, where
	bar is a placeholder and the others are pushed onto a 
	stack if they are needed.

 -	Doc updates.


	Put the tarball into a tarball rahter than 
	cpio archive, no change to the code.

0.08 Fri Apr  5 10:10:08 CST 2002

 -	Added runjob to handle the result of unalias
	after the fork. If the unaliased scalar is a
	code reference then it exits with the result
	of &$job; otherwise exec's $job. 

	Using an unalias with:

		no strict 'refs';

	to expand the tag from the scheule allows 
	queueing subroutines -- or a mixture of
	subroutines and shell execs. This could also
	return a closure to push evaluation parameters
	even later into the cycle (or for testing).

	See notes for unalias & runjob for examples.

 -	Added switch for handling failed jobs without
	aborting the queue. This offers the same effect
	as "make -k". If "noabort => true" is passed
	into prepare then jobs that fail will have their
	dependencies marked for skipping and the pidfiles
	will get a nastygram + exit status of -1 (i.e.,
	they will be re-executed on a restart). 

	The noabort code doesn't seem to break anything,
	but has not been fully tested (yet).

 -	pidfile and output directories can be passed in with the arguments,
	picked up from the environment or default to the current
	executable's directory name. the environment method can be
	handy for the single-argument version.

 -	Serious updates to pod and comments.


	Default for $que->{alias}{logdir} and {rundir}
	are "dirname $0". Simplifies running multpile
	copies of the same file and schedule from 
	different directories via soft link.

	Revised exit status writing. The child uses
	system instead of exec and writes $? to its
	own pidfile; the parent writes $? to the pidfile
	if it is non-zero. This allows either the parent
	or child to get zapped by a signal, leave the
	other running and correctly record the status.
	It also means that the pidfiles may be 4 lines
	long on failure. Fix there is to read [0..2]
	to check the status on the way in for restarts.

	Updated comments to reflect reality a bit better.


	Remove some of the extra newlines -- they aren't
	required since individual job output goes to 
	stdout/stderr files.

	Shuffled verobse prints to a bit to give saner
	combinatins of output. At this point test.log 
	should give a reasonable idea of what slient,
	progress and detailed output look like.

	Process verbose as an alias for setting verbosity.

	Add sanity check for odd number of arg's > 1
	in prepare. Makes it harder to zap thyself by
	adding "verbose => X" after a single-value
	schedule entry. checks for forkatotis in the module by 
	comparing the initial pid running with
	what's running after the test_blah call; croaks
	if the pid has changed since startup.

	Updated comments, pod to reflect the changes 
	since 0.03.

	Note: Still need to come up with a reasonable
	definition for processing the debug alias/arg
	during prepare and execution. It may require
	debug levels like: 1 => don't fork, 2 => also
	don't check or write pidfiles. Problem there
	is making sure that mixing $que->debug with 
	$que->prepare( ... debug => X ) doesn't cause
	unnecessary errors.


	Output of individual jobs goes to $logdir/$job.out
	and $logdir/$job.err. Main purpose is to keep the
	top-level schedule logs clean. puts stdout to test.log -- saves a lotta 
	stuff flying by on make test.

	verbose and debug arg's to prepare and execute
	are independent (i.e, you can now debug in silent
	mode and get minimal output).

0.04 Fri Mar  1 13:52:34 CST 2002

	debug uses copy of queue, doesn't consume original
	object during debug, returns original object if 
	debug is successful. see comments for use.

	updated verbose handling, now has three levels: 0, 1, 2.
	0 == stop/start messages and nastygrams, 1 == progress
	messages from fork/reap; 2 == fairly detailed.  $q->{verbose}
	overrides the debug switch; no verbose setting w/ debug
	gives verbose == 2. added description of changes to POD.

	all verbose-controlled output goes to STDOUT, nastygrams
	and que start/complete messages to STDERR.

	doc updates to reflect changes in verbosity.

0.03 Wed Feb 27 12:20:18 CST 2002
	Doc updates. updated.

0.02  Wed Feb  6 17:25:02 CST 2002
	Release-able version.

0.01  Wed Feb  6 10:20:32 2002