use base 'LEOCHARRE::CLI';
use lib './lib';
use strict;
require CGI::Auth::Auto;
use Cwd;
our $VERSION = '0.01';

my $o = gopts('a:p');

my $cfg = _figureout_cfg();
my $auth = new CGI::Auth::Auto( $cfg ) or die "CGI::Auth error";


sub _detect_prune{
   $o->{p} or return;   
   print "Pruning session file directory...\n";
	print $auth->prune, " stale session files deleted.\n";

my $option;
do {
	print "Option: ";
	$option = <STDIN>;
	print "\n";
	if ($option =~ /^a/i){
        addprompt( $auth );
	elsif ($option =~ /^l/i){
      print "Users currently in the userbase:\n\n";
	elsif ($option =~ /^v/i) {
		my $un;
		print "User name to view: ";
		$un = <STDIN>;
		chomp $un; chomp $un;		# Two chomps because of the \r\n in Windows

	elsif ($option =~ /^d/i){
		my $un;

		print "User name to delete: ";
		$un = <STDIN>;
		chomp $un; chomp $un;		# Two chomps because of the \r\n in Windows

	elsif ($option =~ /^p/i) {
		print "Pruning session file directory...\n";
		print $auth->prune, " stale session files deleted.\n";

	print "\n";
} while ($option !~ /^q/i);

sub show_info {

   printf "Authdir %s\nSessdir: %s\nUserfiledat: %s %s\n\n",
   $auth->authdir, $auth->sessdir, $auth->userfile, (get_mode($auth->userfile) || '') ;

# *Since* not a member of CGI::Auth, just pass it an auth object reference.
sub addprompt {
	my $self = shift;

    my @authfields = @{ $self->{authfields} };
	print "Adding a new user.\n";
    print scalar( @authfields ), " fields are needed:  ", join( ', ', map $_->{display}, @authfields ), ".\n\n";

	my $validchars = $self->{validchars};
	my @fields;
	FIELD: for my $f ( @authfields )	{
		my $notice = ( $f->{hidden} && !$self->{md5pwd} ) ? '16 characters or less; ' : '';
		print "Enter " . $f->{display} . "(${notice}Leave blank to cancel) : ";
		my $data = <STDIN>;

		# Untaint, and remove newlines.
		$data =~ /^(.*?)$/;
		$data = $1;

		# Cancel if nothing entered.
		unless ( $data )
            print "Cancelled.\n";
            return 0;

		# Check for non-valid characters.
		if ( $data =~ /([^$validchars])/ )
			print "Data entered contains an invalid character ($1).\n";
			redo FIELD;

		# Valid data.  So store it, and move on.
		push @fields, $data;

	print "Adding user '$fields[0]'.\n";
	$auth->adduser( @fields );

	return 1;

sub show_menu {
   my $menutext = <<MENU;
Acquisitions Database Authorization Manager

Select one of the following options (case insensitive):

 A - Add a user
 L - List users
 V - View a user
 D - Delete a user
 P - Prune session files
 Q - Quit


print $menutext;

sub _figureout_cfg {

   scalar @ARGV or die("you must provide path to user.dat file, even if it does  not exist yet");

   my $abs= $ARGV[0]
      or die('missing path to user.dat');
   $abs=~/^\// or $abs = cwd()."/$abs" ;
   $abs=~/^(.+)\/+([^\/]+)$/ or die("cant match inside [$abs]");

   my $authdir = $1; 
   my $userfile = $2;

   my $cfg = {};
   $cfg->{-admin} = 1;
   $cfg->{-authdir} = $authdir;
   $cfg->{-userfile} = $userfile;

   $cfg->{-sessdir} = $authdir.'/sess';


   if (-e $abs){
      -f $abs or die("$abs should be a file not a dir");
   unless ( -f $abs ){
      # Create the user data file.
	   open USERDAT, '>', $abs and close USERDAT;
   return $cfg;


=head1 NAME

authman - manage CGI::Auth files for user web logins


This is to manage a users.dat type file for user logins into scripts via the web
the main argument is the path to where the user.dat file is or you want it to be at.


   cgiauthman /var/www/cgi-bin/auth/users.dat


   -p prune, get rid of old session files

=head1 NOTES

From the original authman.pl from CGI::Auth

=head1 AUTHOR

Leo Charre
