Revision history for App-ModuleBuildTiny

0.009     2015-04-04
          Use more conservative MBT version dependency

0.008     2015-03-28
          Run Build correctly on Windows
          Check METAfile dependencies more thoroughly

0.007     2015-03-06
          Add lib and script paths to appropriate environmental variables
          Determine license from POD

0.006     2015-02-14
          Add creation comment to Build.PL
          Add provides field to meta
          Add --no-build option to run
          Split shell out of run

0.005     2015-01-30
          Use existent MANIFEST if present
          Add develop dependency on App::ModuleBuildTiny to generated dists

0.004     2015-01-28
          Handle generated files more sensibly
          Load modules more lazily
          Add support for mergefiles

0.003     2014-12-17
          Fix dependency on Getopt::Long 2.39

0.002     2013-09-10
          Switch to a generated files workflow
          Document the mbtiny command
          Added run action
          Added generate action
          Removed clean and realclean actions
          Added --json to listdeps

0.001     2013-09-09
          First release