Revision history for Const-Fast

0.012     2012-08-09 13:51:29 Europe/Bucharest
          Depend on Test::Exception 0.28
          Switch to Sub::Exporter::Progressive, for a faster startup

0.011     2012-02-24 22:48:26 Europe/Amsterdam
          Accept references to references as subject
          Really fix compatibility with Carp 1.25

0.010     2012-02-04 12:54:09 Europe/Amsterdam
          Fix compatibility with dotted Carp (1.25?)

0.009     2011-11-27 19:47:19 Europe/Amsterdam
          Make sure the first argument comes in as a reference

0.008     2011-08-22 13:14:05 Europe/Amsterdam
          Recurse into scalar references too

0.007     2011-02-16 22:58:27 Europe/Amsterdam
          Deep clone earlier and using Storable::dclone

0.006    2010-10-02
         Don't make objects readonly. This also fixes RT#61726

0.005    2010-09-03
         Various documentation fixes by chromatic
         Require 5.008 in Build.PL

0.004    2010-09-01
         Handle recursive datastructures
         Fixed test on Windows
         Made other tests more strict

0.003    2010-08-27
         Renamed from Const to Const::Fast
         Added documentation
         Added better diagnostics for hash assignment

0.002    2010-07-09
         Fixed dependencies

0.001    2010-07-07
         First version, released on an unsuspecting world.