Revision history for ExtUtils-HasCompiler

0.020     2017-05-14 15:28:51+02:00 Europe/Paris (TRIAL RELEASE)
          - Fix skipping tests on EUMM<7.26

0.019     2017-05-14 12:44:56+02:00 Europe/Paris (TRIAL RELEASE)
          - Skip static tests unless user has EUMM 7.26
          - Can't compile static libraries on Windows
          - Can't compile static libraries on shrplib perls

0.018     2017-04-14 18:09:34+02:00 Europe/Amsterdam (TRIAL RELEASE)
          - can_compile_static_library and can_compile_extension
            The former checks if one can compile a static library, the latter
            checks for dynamic or static depending on your configuration.

0.017     2017-02-08 23:00:22+01:00 Europe/Amsterdam
          - Don't pass the compiler's optimization flags to the ld command. On
            systems where these two commands are different (AIX and some
            version of HPUX among them), the ld command may not accept these
            optimization flags. (Dave Rolsky, GH #9)

0.016     2016-07-05 10:06:29+02:00 Europe/Amsterdam
          - Stable release without modifications since 0.015

0.015     2016-06-19 01:17:56+02:00 Europe/Amsterdam (TRIAL RELEASE)
          - Fix eucb test to check result object [#113686]
          - Use $Config{ld} on unix too

0.014     2016-05-02 10:13:47+02:00 Europe/Amsterdam
          - Create temporary directory under local directory
          - Use better temp template names

0.013     2016-04-10 14:28:36+02:00 Europe/Amsterdam
          Only add perllibs on platforms that really need it
          Add support for Android

0.012     2015-07-15 16:55:46+02:00 Europe/Amsterdam
          Fixes for VMS
          Only load mksymlists if needed

0.011     2015-07-08 22:54:00+02:00 Europe/Amsterdam
          Always define IMPORTS argument to Mksymlists

0.010     2015-07-07 16:28:40+02:00 Europe/Amsterdam
          Add /c to MSVC compiles

0.009     2015-07-05 17:45:27+02:00 Europe/Amsterdam
          Don't forget the dot on the loadable object
          Handle DynaLoaders without unload
          Added VMS support

0.008     2015-07-03 14:13:30+02:00 Europe/Amsterdam
          Handle ancient perls without PERL_UNUSED_VAR
          Improve diagnostics

0.007     2015-07-02 07:41:29+02:00 Europe/Amsterdam
          Use carp and return instead of croak
          Explicitly handle import lib for cygwin
          Use separate compiling and linking stages

0.006     2015-06-27 15:40:31+02:00 Europe/Amsterdam
          Correctly pass linking argument on Win32 and cygwin

0.005     2015-06-27 14:30:04+02:00 Europe/Amsterdam
          Return false early on static perls
          Get rid of can_compile_executable
          Link to libperl on Win32

0.004     2015-06-26 03:13:56+02:00 Europe/Amsterdam
          Fix MSVC regression
          Only use env-vars when no config is passed
          Rely on config to be overriden instead of adding yet another way to override
          Give clearer errors on compilation failure

0.003     2015-05-30 19:33:33+02:00 Europe/Amsterdam
          Prefer environmental variables over configuration (experimental)
          Get rid of Perl::OSType dependency

0.002     2015-04-19 19:18:10+02:00 Europe/Amsterdam
          Switch to ExtUtils::MakeMaker

0.001     2015-04-19 16:54:07+02:00 Europe/Amsterdam
          Initial release to an unsuspecting world