Revision history for Module::Build::Tiny

0.009     2011-05-08 12:05:01 Europe/Amsterdam
          Install packlists to the right location

0.008     2011-05-07 11:25:39 Europe/Amsterdam
          Removed clean and realclean commands
          Fix writability for scripts and modules

0.007     2011-05-01 22:36:17 Europe/Bucharest
          Now with corrent configure-requires meta-information

0.006     2011-04-29 11:56:37 Europe/Bucharest
          Complete rewrite of Acme::Module::Build::Tiny into Module::Build::Tiny
           * Now uses dependencies
           * Either implements a feature correctly or not at all

0.05 - Fri Oct  8 15:19:31 EDT 2010

  - If $^X looks like a perl found in the path, use $Config{perlpath}

  - Avoid issuing a warning when Build is run with no arguments

0.04 - Wed Mar 24 22:59:50 EDT 2010

  - Fix test bug when running a versioned perl (e.g. perl5.10.1)

0.03 - Wed Mar 24 09:48:55 EDT 2010

  - Fix SYNOPSIS documentation

0.02 - Tue Mar 23 15:20:19 EDT 2010

  - Add support for .modulebuildrc and PERL_MB_OPT so it works
    with local::lib
0.01  - Tue Mar 23 14:21:29 EDT 2010

  - First release