Revision history for Web-API

0.8     2013-03-05T17:35:42
        basic OAuth 1.0a auth_types: oauth_params, oauth_header
        bug fix: don't screw up extra parameters in GET/HEAD/DELETE requests

0.7     2013-02-28T15:06:31
        multiple wrapper keys, get_params auth_type, better XML::Simple options
        (please someone write proper XML encode/decode support.
        maybe even choosable XML parser with great defaults)

0.6     2013-01-12T21:30:10
        print mandrill response in debug mode

0.5     2013-01-07T02:13:03
        use hash instead of hashref as input for less curly braces

0.4     2013-01-07T01:38:42
        renamed to Web::API

0.3     2012-10-24T11:21:41
        replaced REST::Client with LWP::UserAgent + HTTP::Cookies for more control
        updated Module::Install due to

0.2     2012-01-24T11:32:53
        use 5.010 instead of feature to prevent building tests on lower
        perl versions

0.1     2012-01-18T02:50:14
        initial release.