Revision history for Perl extension Blog::Simple::HTMLOnly.

0.02  Tue May  6 10:05:37 2003
	- included two simple demo scripts
	- corrected oversight which prevented content elements
	  from being rendered
	- added more POD
	- turned 'our' to 'use vars' for 5.6.0 compat
	- removed sub-classing of Blog::Simple, as it imported
	  XML::XSLT, nullifying the whole effort
	- removed references to XML::XSLT
	- added more flocks

0.01  Tue May  6 10:05:37 2003
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options
		-X -n Blog::Simple::HTMLOnly
	- sub-classed Blog::Simple, replacing XML::XSLT with
	- added flocks