Revision history for Perl extension List::Member.

0.01  Thu May 24 17:40:41 2001
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.20 with options
		-Xcfn List::Member

0.02  2001-08-14
	- POD updated

0.03  2007-02-15
	- Default not-a-member indicator ($NEG) set to -1, as POD describes
	- Added nota_member(), isa_member, both exported.
	- Updated test and POD

0.04  2007-03-22
	- Updated test and POD, again.
	  Excuse: five family illness in one month. Phew.

0.041  2007-04-26
	- Version number was wrong. Bah.

0.042  Sat Aug  4 18:33:59 2007
	- Repacked.