package syntaxhighlighter::cs; $VERSION = '0.01'; sub load{ use Wx qw(wxSTC_LEX_CPP wxSTC_H_TAG); my $cs_keywords = 'bstract as base bool break byte case catch char checked class \ const continue decimal default delegate do double else enum \ event explicit extern false finally fixed float for foreach goto if \ implicit in int interface internal is lock long namespace new null \ object operator out override params private protected public \ readonly ref return sbyte sealed short sizeof stackalloc static \ string struct switch this throw true try typeof uint ulong \ unchecked unsafe ushort using virtual void while'; $_[0]->SetLexer(wxSTC_LEX_CPP); # Set Lexers to use $_[0]->SetKeyWords(0,$cs_keywords); # $_[0]->StyleSetSpec( wxSTC_H_TAG, "fore:#000055" ); $_[0]->StyleSetSpec(0,"fore:#202020"); # White space $_[0]->StyleSetSpec(1,"fore:#bbbbbb"); # Comment $_[0]->StyleSetSpec(2,"fore:#cccccc)"); # Line Comment $_[0]->StyleSetSpec(3,"fore:#004000"); # Doc comment $_[0]->StyleSetSpec(4,"fore:#007f7f"); # Number $_[0]->StyleSetSpec(5,"fore:#7788bb,bold"); # Keywords $_[0]->StyleSetSpec(6,"fore:#555555,back:#ddeecc"); # Doublequoted string $_[0]->StyleSetSpec(7,"fore:#555555,back:#eeeebb"); # Single quoted string $_[0]->StyleSetSpec(8,"fore:#55ffff"); # UUIDs (only in IDL) $_[0]->StyleSetSpec(9,"fore:#228833"); # Preprocessor $_[0]->StyleSetSpec(10,"fore:#bb7799,bold"); # Operators $_[0]->StyleSetSpec(11,"fore:#778899"); # Identifiers (functions, etc.) $_[0]->StyleSetSpec(12,"fore:#228822"); # End of line where string is not closed $_[0]->StyleSetSpec(13,"fore:#339933"); # Verbatim strings for C# $_[0]->StyleSetSpec(14,"fore:#44aa44"); # Regular expressions for JavaScript $_[0]->StyleSetSpec(15,"fore:#55bb55"); # Doc Comment Line $_[0]->StyleSetSpec(17,"fore:#000000,back:#A0FFA0"); # Comment keyword $_[0]->StyleSetSpec(18,"fore:#000000,back:#F0E080"); # Comment keyword error # Braces are only matched in operator style $_[0]->StyleSetSpec(32,"fore:#000000"); # Default } 1;