date: Fri Jan 4 2008
- removed dir 'Perl6/Doc/Docs' and moved docs from there to 'Perl6/Doc'
- updated S03.pod, S06.pod, S09.pod
- release 0.34

date: Sun Dec 31 2007
- updated S05 S26
- add documentation for perl.com articles
- added article "everyday perl 6" => EverydayPerl6.pod
- added article  "The Beauty of Perl 6 Parameter Passing" => Perl6Parameter.pod
- changed names of articles a la : everyday-perl-6.pod
- added article what-is-perl-6.pod
- added article pugs-interview.pod
- added article perl-6-announcement.pod
- enhanced doc selection logic
- redirect to table of content when doc not found
version: 0.32_9
date: Sun Dec 29 2007
- extend documentation chapter SOURCES
version: 0.32_6-8
date: Sun Dec 27 2007
- remove new tests (module didn't worg)
- added Overview docs: Subroutine.pod, Variable.pod, Data.pod, File.pod
  Object.pod, Operator.pod, Smartmatch.pod, Variable.pod, Capture.pod, FUD.pod
- updated all of Bible
- remove UTF artefacts
version: 0.32_4
date: Sun Dec 26 2007
- added params.t parameter checking for nondoc text outputs
- made SOURCES chapter in the module docs
version: 0.32_3
date: Sun Dec 25 2007
- fixed tests
- fixed name of A06 A12
- changed doc names to 2 digit format
- added perlintro Tutorial
version: 0.32_2
date: Sun Dec 25 2007
- added myself as author
- changed brians name to ingy döt net as he requested
- fixed name of S16*
- changed all names to syn_nr (looks better in CPAN)
version: 0.32_1
date: Sun Dec 25 2007
- rename =item1 TITLE to NAME (shows on CPAN titles nicely)
version: 0.32
date: Sun Dec 24 2007
- move docs from /lib/perl6/doc to /liv/perl6/doc/bible 
- refracture code for that
- rename distro to Perl6::Doc
version: 0.31
date: Sun Dec 23 13:15:00 IST 2007
- updated: S26
- added: S16 S29
- added documentation
version: 0.30
date: Sat Dec 22 15:35:00 IST 2007
- removed  A20 S29
- updated: A01 A02 A03 A04 A05 A06                  A12
               E02 E03 E04 E05 E06 E07 
           S01 S02 S03 S04 S05 S06      S09 S10 S11 S12 S13
version: 0.29
date: Tue Feb 28 17:18:59 IST 2006
- 'p6bible -c' now works again.
- Update to r7898 from upstream documents.
version: 0.29
date: Mon Feb 27 22:17:30 IST 2006
- Corrected heading of S03, reported by spinclad.
version: 0.28
date: Mon Feb 27 15:02:04 IST 2006
- Update to the post-Mt.Arbel-hackathon Synopses.
version: 0.27
date: Sun Dec 26 01:20:15 CST 2005
- Fix the TITLE line in S17 so it displays like NAME.
version: 0.26
date:   Wed Dec 22 22:47:10 CST 2005
- Zero-pad the =head1 NAME line so it sorts at search.cpan.org correctly.
version: 0.25
date:   Wed Dec 22 15:46:10 CST 2005
- Changed the =head1 NAME line again for better search.cpan.org indexing.
version: 0.24
date:   Wed Dec 22 13:01:25 CST 2005
- Re-integrated the unofficial S17 (Concurrency) draft.
- Changed the =head1 NAME line for better search.cpan.org indexing.
version: 0.23
date:   Wed Dec 22 09:41:50 CST 2005
- Improved formatting for PAUSE indexing
- Added Synopsis 22 draft (CPAN)
- Mention the nascent Perl6::Doc project
- Emphasis the role of Synopses, so "p6bible 12" displays S12
version: 0.22
date:    Mon Oct 31 16:27:32 PST 2005
- Lots of tweaks
version: 0.21
date:    Sun Oct 23 20:23:38 PDT 2005
- S06 tweaked
version: 0.20
date:    Mon Oct 10 16:00:34 PDT 2005
- A20 added
version: 0.19
date:    Tue Jun 28 08:29:57 PDT 2005
- S17 added
- S04 S29 updated
version: 0.18
date:    Sun Jun 12 16:03:02 PDT 2005
- S29draft Changed
version: 0.17
date:    Tue May 17 08:58:12 PDT 2005
- S05 Changed
- S29draft Changed
version: 0.16
date:    Sat Apr 30 13:26:55 PDT 2005
- S06 Changed
- Applied modified patch from Joshua Gatcomb to use some `perldoc` args
version: 0.15
date:    Thu Apr 21 13:17:22 PDT 2005
- S03 S06 and A06 changed
version: 0.14
date:    Sun Apr 10 03:22:35 PDT 2005
- Add S26 S27 S28 and S29 drafts
- Trim TOC for `p6bible -c`
- Add more examples to Synopsis
version: 0.13
date:    Wed Apr  6 21:40:14 PDT 2005
- added a get_raw function per theorbtwo's request.
version: 0.12
date:    Sat Apr  2 23:37:54 PST 2005
- Forgot the Makefile.PL (doh!)
- S03 changed
- Add overview paragraphs
version: 0.11
date:    Sat Apr  2 03:36:23 PST 2005
- Add command line options
- Move logics into Perl6::Bible
- Add --help and --version
version: 0.10
date: Fri Apr  1 22:38:42 PST 2005
- Initial version of Perl6::Bible