Revision history for Tie-Wx-Widget
0.9 6.july
added warn_mode mode so program hasn't to die,
when not trying to tie a none widget
0.8 5.july
alternative shortcut key for the widgetref ('w')
test for that
typos in the doc
0.7 5.july
$tref->DESTROY doesn't crash anymore
tests for internal access
refined docs
0.6 5.july
made code a bit clearer (and longer) named key 'w' => 'widget'
inherit with @ISA (faster) not base
setter don't allow references as input (has no useful effect, makes things just ugly)
added a test if teference to tie is a nine widget wx class
test perl version
0.5 31.May
check if a wx widget is a widget (inherits from Wx::Window)
better error message in case it can't tie
use base instead @ISA (parent is still too fresh)
real tests! , wrote t/01-run.t and deleted boilerpate.t
docs for the internal API
0.2 30. May
check if a wx widget ref can GetValue and SetValue
add Wx as dependency
reworked META.yml
0.01__2 added META.yml and fixed spacing in doc
0.01__1 29. May 2011
initial draft, started as idea during Linuxtag Berlin 2 weeks ago
run Module::Starter