Revision history for Tie-Wx-Widget
1.0 3. december
doc fixes
0.991 17.july
accepting also selfderived widget classes
dummy UNTIE method
more precise error messages when attempt to tie all sorts of things
0.99 11.july
changing internal API, own callback now replace the default ones completely
0.98 7.july
fixing all the visible quirks in tgz and META.yml that introduced
by release tools with 0.91, 0.95, 0.96, 0.97, 0.98
0.9 6.july
added warn_mode mode so program hasn't to die,
when not trying to tie a none widget
0.8 5.july
alternative shortcut key for the widgetref ('w')
test for that
typos in the doc
0.7 5.july
$tref->DESTROY doesn't crash anymore
tests for internal access
refined docs
0.6 5.july
made code a bit clearer (and longer) named key 'w' => 'widget'
inherit with @ISA (faster) not base
setter don't allow references as input (has no useful effect, makes things just ugly)
added a test if teference to tie is a nine widget wx class
test perl version
0.5 31.May
check if a wx widget is a widget (inherits from Wx::Window)
better error message in case it can't tie
use base instead @ISA (parent is still too fresh)
real tests! , wrote t/01-run.t and deleted boilerpate.t
docs for the internal API
0.2 30. May
check if a wx widget ref can GetValue and SetValue
add Wx as dependency
reworked META.yml
0.01__2 added META.yml and fixed spacing in doc
0.01__1 29. May 2011
initial draft, started as idea during Linuxtag Berlin 2 weeks ago
run Module::Starter