Revision history for Perl extension Bio::Grep.

0.0.3  Wed Mar  06 15:13:26 2007
    - POD improvements
    - more tests (Devel::Cover)
    - Vmatch now throws an exception if showdesc + upstream instead of
      just a warning
    - skip tests if bioperl and/or bioperl-run is not found  
0.0.2  Thu Mar  06 00:36:10 2007
   - POD improvements
   - bgrep did not accept -man and -help
0.0.1  Thu Mar  05 16:00:00 2007
   first public release on cpan
   - renamed to Bio::Grep (from Weigel::Search)
   - added backend GUUGle
   - added bgrep
   - POD improvements
   - renamed querylength to query_length
   - added feature to specify settings in search call