Revision history for LaTeX-Table
0.9.16 Mon Jun 13 18:00:00 2009
- API change: header_sideways was kind of unnecessary.
- csv2pdf now uses templates and the longtable and ltxtable packages
- Perl::Critic passs with install Perl::Tidy (thanks Salvatore)
- removed Readonly dependency (thanks Wen)
0.9.15 Fri May 29 10:00:00 2009
- MISSING_VALUE in coldef_strategy
- width and longtable
- removed deprecated feature textwrap
- changed optional requirement from Text::CSV_XS to Text::CSV
- csv2pdf: Meyrin default.
- POD cleanups
0.9.14 Tue Feb 24 10:00:00 2009
- Meyrin now default theme
- sideways now works also with xtab (lscape package)
- longtable package
- POD cleanups
0.9.13 Wed Feb 4 12:00:00 2009
- continued, continuedmsg options
- Minor Bug fixed: maincaption required caption.
- renamed *_LINES to *_RULES
- RULES_CMD in themes
- examples.pdf nicer
0.9.12 Fri Jan 30 15:00:00 2009
- fontfamily
- API change: size renamed to fontsize
- custom_template
- themes can now define rule width and color (only global)
- Muenchen, NYC3, NYC4, Redmond and Redmond2 Themes
- Perl-Critic-1.094001 passes
0.9.11 Sat Jan 3 13:00:00 2009
- tabulary package
- STUB_ALIGN in themes
- POD corrections
0.9.10 Sun Nov 23 02:15:00 2008
- removed unnecessary blanks and spaces in LaTeX output
- LaTeX output aligned
- Meyrin Theme
- POD corrections
0.9.9 Wed Nov 12 12:01:00 2008
- removed Readonly, caused cpantester fails
- shortcaption
- left
- right
- moved more code in templates
- ctable now uses tabularx
- NYC2 theme
0.9.8 Sat Nov 8 11:01:00 2008
- support for the ctable package
- sideways option
- star option
0.9.7 Wed Nov 5 11:01:00 2008 (Obama wins :))
- Switched to Moose
- themes now definable as modules.
- csv2pdf. Lots of new features.
0.9.6 Thu Oct 7 8:44:00 2008
- Bugfix: extracolsep after first column
- removed Fatal dependency (which is deprecated)
- Standard LONG regex now requires at least two words (thanks to salva on
- removed color LaTeX package dependency. xcolor is enough
0.9.5 Thu Oct 2 18:30:00 2008
- POD corrections
- new, common exception format for invalid option usage
- environment must be true for xtab packages
- \belowcaptionskip instead of 10pt in tablehead, caption_top
- custom_tabular_environment (e.g. for mpxtabular)
0.9.4 Wed Oct 1 18:30:00 2008
- coldef_strategy: column types can be defined
- empty rows in headers now also produce horizontal lines for consistency
- now data is only analyzed once (was twice in xtab)
- tableheadmsg
- Bugfix: latex commands in data counted as line (problem for
- Bugfix: columns_like_header columns always left-justified
- a few more tests
0.9.3 Fri Sep 26 14:00:00 2008
- leading/trailing spaces in default NUMBER regex allowed
- coldef_strategy: suffix _MUST_MATCH_ALL now defines whether the
specified type must match all cells in a column (or at least one).
- ltpretty: howtos for vim and emacs
- EXTRA_ROW_HEIGHT. now NYC theme looks better
- header_sideways
- API change: * DEFAULT renamed to DEFAULT_COL
* IS_A_NUMBER renamed to NUMBER
* IS_LONG renamed to LONG and is now a regular
Sorry, I think it is the last big change before 1.0. It was
necessary because I will add the functionality to define column
types (like NUMBER and LONG) and this needs a cleaner interface.
- Bugfix: first column always left-justified
- a few more tests
0.9.2 Thu Sep 18 14:00:00 2008
- POD corrections
- added ltpretty. I use it in vim to format my tables with LaTeX::Table
0.9.1 Wed Aug 27 21:38:00 2008
- Bugfix: no midrule without header
- Bugfix: calculation of column ids (callback, coldef_strategy) now
supports multicolumn shortcuts
- Bugfix: specified Latex commands in data (with single column arrays)
counted as rows (problem for DATA_BG_COLOR_ODD/EVEN)
- colums_like_header()
- more tests
- Paris Theme
- POD corrections
0.9.0 Sat Aug 23 19:00:00 2008
- caption_top
- themes can now define header font color and bgcolors
- multicol shortcut now automatically adds vertical lines
- resizebox
- Bugfix: centering now only in std.
- Bugfix: callback function could destroy our multicolumn shortcut
- Bugfix: callback function in header only applied when HEADER_CENTERED
in theme
- API change: text_wrap now deprecated. tabularx produces so much nicer
tables and it does not break the callback row ids. If you really think this
is useful somehow, drop me a mail
0.8.0 Thu Aug 21 14:30:00 2008
- centering instead of center
- Bugfix: callback function overwrote values in arrays
- maincaption not bold in Zurich
- API change: table_environment now environment, environment can be chosen, e.g.
- API change: tablepos renamed to position
- API change: tabledef renamed to coldef
- API change: tabledef_strategy renamed to coldef_strategy
- tabularx package
- default value for long col now 30
- POD updates
- examples.pdf better
0.7.0 Tue Aug 19 21:15:00 2008
- plain theme
- POD updates
0.6.3 Fri Jul 25 21:15:00 2008
- commands now printed without formatting
- removed the simpsons synopsis
- Perl::Critic passes again
0.6.2 Wed Apr 16 11:28:00 2008
- made new Perl::Critic happy
- Bugfix: \hline in xtab/booktabs
0.6.1 Tue Mar 04 16:00:00 2008
- added kwalitee test
- added perl 5.8 dependency
- added licence in Makefile.PL
- Bugfix: \hline instead of \midrule
0.6.0 Wed Nov 07 15:00:00 2007
- support for booktabs.sty
- Zurich standard
- width
- regex IS_A_NUMBER compiled only once (same bug again)
0.5.2 Tue Nov 06 18:00:00 2007
- tests produced latextable.tex in /
- replaced Regexp::Common with perlfaq4 regexes. MUCH faster now.
- new theme Berlin
- custom IS_A_NUMBER regex ignored
- cvs2pdf:
- support for themes
- Berlin default (first column contains data in CSV)
0.5.1 Tue Nov 06 12:00:00 2007
- xtab: last page not centered when center=1
- csv2pdf:
- typos in POD
- --man not working
- moved to directory bin
- removed "continued on next page" tabletail
- xentrystretch 0.001 (more rows per page)
0.5.0 Mon Nov 05 15:00:00 2007
- die when value in cell is undef (fixes many warnings and funny
- tabletail should work now
- added csv2pdf
0.4.0 Sat Oct 20 18:04:00 2007
- tabledef_strategy
0.3.0 Sat Oct 20 18:04:00 2007
- generate() tests data and header
- themes test
- pod corrections
0.2.1 Fri Oct 19 18:02:00 2007
- Bugfix: callback $is_header == 1 in data
0.2.0 Fri Oct 19 18:00:00 2007
- use Text::Wrap for wrapping lines
- callback
- xtab tests
0.1.1 Thu Sep 20 18:03:00 2007
- minor POD corrections
- Bugfixes:
* perlcritic optional,
passes now with severity 1
0.1.0 Thu Sep 20 12:30:00 2007
- API CHANGE: header and data now options
- label optional
- caption optional
- maincaption optional
- custom themes can be set in new()
- POD improvements
- more tests
- table environment optional
- added examples.pdf
- Bugfixes:
* META.yml missing
0.0.3 Thu Mar 5 18:10:11 2007
- t/perlcritic.t: required Test::Perl::Critic
0.0.2 Wed Feb 28 16:52:00 2007
- Added missing dependencies in Build.PL
- Test::Perl::Critic passed
0.0.1 Thu Aug 3 12:10:07 2006
Initial release.