Revision history for Perl extension Text::CSV::R.

0.03 Thu Aug 18 20:30:00 2010
    - dec for writing
    - removed delete support for R::Matrix
    - colnames() and rownames() setter now check if arguments are correct
    - col_names and row_names in write now support array references
    - fixed special characters in POD of append option
    - code cleanup
    - Unicode test requires Perl 5.8+ 
    - Bugfix: default dec of read_csv2 was q{.}, not q{,}
    - Bugfix: col_names option in write ignored

0.02  Sat Aug 14 19:00:00 2010
    - Option append
    - POD updates (write_table, write_csv, fixed typo in SYNOPSIS, added link
      to Text::CSV::Slurp)
    - added git repository to Makefile.PL and Build.PL  
    - more author tests

0.01  Thu Jul 29 18:11:00 2010
	- initial CPAN upload.