Revision history for Math-Polygon-Tree
0.07 2014-09-03
perl 5.18 compatibility
* preferable use of Math::Geometry::Planar::GPC::PolygonXS (dependency changed)
0.069.1 2013-05-15
* (internal) removed ~~
0.069 2013-05-15
* optionally use Math::Geometry::Planar::GPC::PolygonXS
0.068 2013-02-12
* more options for 'rough' checks
* fixes
0.062 2013-02-11
* float comparsion fix
0.061 2013-02-08
* reimplemented tree (new structure)
* refactored rudiment code
* some tests
! service functions are incompatible with older versions (return arrayrefs instead of lists)
0.05 2013-01-29
* 'contains' returns -1 if point lays on polygon boundary (very dirty!)
0.041 2010-12-29
* added exportable functions
0.04 2010-11-07
* added .poly files support
0.035 2010-04-27
* added contains_points method
0.03 2009-11-17
* boundaries are now reported as included
* removed Perl 5.8 incompatibility
* removed Math::Polygon dependency
* fixed POD to pass tests
0.02 2009-08-27
First public release