Revision history for App-Jiffy

0.06  2018-04-06 16:05:57 CDT
        - Fix tests to skip if no MongoDB is present

0.05  2017-12-29 13:10:23 CST
        - Use local timezone in `search()`

0.04  2017-12-29 11:45:04 CST
        - Added rounding to durations
        - Added JSON export

0.03  2016-02-22 14:45:04 CST
        - Added search and timesheet subcommands
        - Fixed add_entry timezone bug
        - Moved duration calculation into TimeEntry
        - Added entry's title to current subcommand output
        - Added tests

0.02  2015-04-06 14:48:30 CDT
        - Added minimalist HTTP server ( AKA `jiffyd` )
        - Added docs
        - Added `current` subcommand to `App::Jiffy`

0.01  2015-04-03 01:14:57 CDT
        - Initial release
        - Insert and Update TimeEntries