Revision history

2.3 Mon Dec 20 16:56:10 GMT 2010
    - removed encode() from sending in SOAP::XML::Client  (mjemmeson patch)

2.2 Fri Sep 17 14:54:08 BST 2010
    - Add even better encoding (mjemmeson patch)

2.1 Fri  4 Dec 11:42:33 GMT 2009
    - Add a header() so you can add a SOAP::Header objects to use
    - get embarrassed by the code, but it refractor left for another day

2.0 Sun Feb 18 15:09:06 GMT 2007
	- Replace s/xmlns=".+?"//g with s/xmlns=".*?"//g 
      for servers sending xmlns="", thanks to David Hall 
      for the heads up

1.9 Mon May 29 10:00:39 BST 2006
	- Switch to SOAP::XML::Client name space
	- renamed 'Real' to 'Generic'

1.8 Thur May 4 16:18:00 GMT 2006
	- Doc tweek about _value_type, it's only .net that REALLY needs it

1.7 Sun Mar 12 09:08:50 GMT 2006
	- Doc patch - thanks to Scott Lanning for the spot

1.6 Wed Feb 15 11:23:12 GMT 2005
        - Update to support new base64 in SOAP::Lite 0.67 (patch by Leon)

1.5 Tue Dec 13 11:26:06 GMT 2005
        - Add encoding() and disable_base64() methods (patch by Leon)

1.4 Wed 26th Oct 2005
	- Bug fix, timeout was only being set unless soapversion was defined!
		- thanks Leon

1.3 Wed 9th Aug 2005
	- Added Class::Accessor::Fast to prereq as it was missing
	- MAJOR Bug fix with processing user supplied XML
	- MAJOR Bug fix in creating the Soap::Data::Builder stuff

1.2 Sat 6th Aug 2005
	- Updated docs - replacing soap:Fault with Fault/faultstring
	- Updated docs - lots of minor things and reorganise packages
	- added 'filename' option, instead of 'xml' for fetch()
	- fetch() now returns 1 or undef 
		- use $obj->results() or $obj->results_xml() to get data

1.1 Mon 1st Aug 2005
	- Updated documentation
	- Added XML wrapper so can parse several top level nodes,
	  removed before converting to SOAP Data structure.
	- Switched to check for Fault/faultstring, any Namespace
	- Added strip_default_xmlns which defaults to true
	  makes parsing results easier
	- Added t/

1.0 Sat 23rd July 2005
	- Added in validation of the XML respoonce
		- check it is valid
		- check for soap:Fault/faultstring
		- check for soapenv:Fault/faultstring
	- Updated documentation to mention
		- results()
		- results_xml()

0.2 Fri 8th July 2005
	- Added Simple::Real
	- Few more tests and doc changes

0.1 Thur 7th July 2005
	- First public release