Revision history for Perl extension SVG::TT::Graph.
1.03 Sat 1 Feb 2020 21:41:03
- Call tzset conditionally (Martin McGrath)
1.02 Thu 5 Sep 2019 21:23:11 BST
- Fix of missing template bracket (Iain Loasby)
1.01 Mon 27 May 2019 09:45:54 BST
- Release without a 'local' dir!
1.00 Fri 10 May 2019 07:19:53
- add support for `inline` (jmccanta)
- doc and timezone fix (Eric Jensen)
0.26 Sun 4 Oct 2015 20:18:50
- Add HeatMap! (stuartskelton)
0.25 Tue 14 Apr 2015 21:26:11
- Make TimeSeries accept max_scale_value. (FGasper)
- Teach TimeSeries to accept a time zone for date display. (FGasper)
0.24 Wed 9 Jul 2014 19:23:11
- Added config.show_path_title to control whether to include new
title attribute in path tag, default to '0' (mikejbwhoo)
- Added TITLE attribute to PATH tag in SHOW DATA section (mikejbwhoo)
- Added config.show_title_fields to allow for fields array element to
be shown instead of title attribute used in add_data, looks nice
when creating non-overlapping bars, default to '0' (mikejbwhoo)
- Above changes made only to Pie, Bar, BarHorizontal, BarLine
0.23 Mon 4 Feb 2013 21:14:40
- fix division by zero errors in all graph types (Carsten Wolff)
- Doc clarification (elnjensen)
0.22 Sun 14 Oct 2012 09:43:58
- Link to github for issue tracking
- Allow reversed y-axis (elnjensen)
- Add missing class for data point labels (snabb)
- New type of graph available: XY (written by Florent Angly, but largely based
on the TimeSeries module by David Meibusch)
- Fixed wrong formatting of Y labels in SVG::TT:Graph::BarHorizontal (patch by
Erin Schönhals)
- Fixed wrong formatting of Y labels in SVG::TT::Graph::Bar
- Fixed warning messages with missing data title (#69691, reported by, patch by Florent Angly)
0.18 - Thu 5 Jan 2012
- Added format_x_axis, format_y_axis callback options (Eric Johnson)
0.17 - Wed Jul 20 2011
- By default, do not compress() or tidy() the SVG
- Line and Timeseries graphs now have points styled as '.dataPointNN',
consistently with BarLine graphs (patch from Henrik Pauli, #67834)
- Added a max_scale_value option to set the maximum value for the Y axis of
Bar and Line graphs (patch by Bryce and Henrik Pauli, #20475)
- Repackaged module without extra files (#56718)
0.16 - Sun Apr 18 2010
- Javascript code in the piechart and timeseries put into a CDATA tag
0.15 - Sat Apr 17 2010
- Method get_template() moved from SVG::TT::Graph::* to SVG::TT::Graph to avoid redundancy
- Fixed bug in get_template(). The DATA filehandle is now read from the beginning
at each get_template call
- Makefile.PL does not use autoinstall aymore (not a good practice for CPAN modules)
- Rollover improvements in piechart
0.14 - Mon Apr 05 2010
- Fixed some unit tests and the URL of the repository
0.13 - Sat Apr 03 2010
- Revised TT templates warnings due to undef values (bug # 44115)
- Fixed the "used only once" warnings (bug # 43854, thank you Ia Hun)
- Introduced a new method to use random colors instead of the 12 predefined
colors. Along with the dynamic allocation of the number of style elements,
this allows an unlimited number of dataseries
- Added Javascript code to display field name when the mouse rolls over a
piechart wedge
- Implemented an optional new method to tidy the formatting of the SVG files
(using XML::Tidy)
- Replaced carriage returns by line feeds because it is more portable
- Did documentation, unit testing and packaging revisions
- Misc little code touch ups
0.12 - Mon Feb 16 12:00:00 EST 2009
- Missed updating the versions for some of the sub libraries.
0.11 - Sun Feb 15 22:54:00 EST 2009
- Applied patches: - Ampersands in Fields cause XML error - Multiple data sets in will now show stacked graphs - Allow toggling the display of data on TimeSeries
0.10 - Mon Apr 28 21:07:30 BST 2008
- Applied patches:
- Applied path patch for Firefox from Pat Ekman for Pie
- patched other modules so Firefox works (doesn't like comma's in a path)
- Fix stylesheet for Pie
Help from Yanick with the following:
- Bug fixes:
#7342 (bad default stylesheet class)
#8680 (Typo in defaut Stylesheet for SVG::TT::Graph::TimeSeries)
#7541 (BarHorizontal)
#7549 (Character width setting in BarHorizontal)
- Put in comment so people know where to copy the
style sheet from (e.g. not including the <style> or CDATA)
0.05 (dev)
David Meibusch changes:
- Calls calculations() prior to burn if available
- 'calc' now passed to template if available
- _range_calc has moved from to
- rollover_values
- data_value_format
- max_time_span
- y_label_format
- rotate_x_labels
Other changes:
- rotate_x_labels added
- y_title_text_direction added
- scale_integers added
- Minor doc patch "\r\n" to "\r\n\r\n"
- Stylesheet presets increased (from 10) to support 12 datasets
- Bug fix regarding show_data_values with Bar
- Bug fix with scales of values under 5
- Added BarLine as a graph module
- Added TimeSeries as a graph module - by David
- Added Prereq of 'DateTime' - lots of modules but
don't think it's bad to encourage people to use it
- Altered style sheet from fill-opacity: 0.2; to fill-opacity: 0.5;
0.04 Wed Sept 24 2003
- Patch from David Meibusch for Pie if slice > 50%
- Patch from David Meibusch for Line to add 'stacked' option
0.03 Wed Aug 28
- Doc fix thanks to Mike Castle
- Renaming (sorry, thought it best to do ASAP)
- y_marker to scale_divisions
- xfields to fields
- y_start to min_scale_value
- stagger_x_labels method added to Bar and Line
- bar_gap method added to Bar and BarHorizontal
- made the padding clever depending on length
of labels, including the key.
0.02 Thurs Aug 21 17:16:09 2003
- Now with added Pie!!
- oh, and tests
- and docs
- and methods for changing config after constructor
0.01 Wed Aug 20 11:26:09 2003
- First public release - well if PAUSE was up