Revision history for Perl extension Text::vCard.

2.05 Fri  8 Jan 2010 22:28:50 GMT
    - Put back changes which were missed out

2.04 Fri  8 Jan 2010 22:00:20 GMT
    - Improvements to Makefile.PL and require 5.6 - thanks cpanservice
    - Switch to git repo
    - Doc patch

2.03 Sun Mar 16 10:10:54 GMT 2008
	- added 'moniker' and marked 'name' as depreciated

2.02 Sat Mar 15 17:15:16 GMT 2008
	  Clean up tests so they pass in perl 5.10
      thanks to Neil Williams

2.01 Sun Sep 2 2007
	- Stop empty TYPE= being set on export when not needed
	thanks to Vadim for the suggestion

2.00 Sat Oct 21 2006
	- export now gives 'TYPE=x,y' instead of the incorrect 'x;y'
1.99 Wed 30th Aug 2006
	- Added 'quoted-printable' fix [ #17790]
	this requires MIME::QuotedPrint

1.98 Mon Jul 17 2006
	- Test fix

1.97 Sun Jul  2 2006
	- removed test because I don't think Test::More::is_deaply
	works correctly on: perl 5.8.0 on Solaris x86 9

1.96 Sun 3rd July 2005
	- Removed String::ShellQuote - forgot to PREREQ and not using it

1.95 Sun 26th June 2005
	- Made export() work for address book, still missing encoding
	- Added basic test for export()
	- A few little clean up things

1.94 Sun 24th April 2005
        - Made check for 'VCARD' tag case insensative,
        probably won't help until Text::vFile::asData does as well.

1.93 Mon 31st Jan 2005
	- Restructured object so all nodes are stored in a hashref
	  $self->{nodes} so I can get get_group to work, all other
	  methods updated to reflect this.
	- added get_group() to vcard

1.92	- Added group() to Node and extract that info
	  from the vcard if it is there.

	- Doc bug, said 'tels', should have been 'tel'.

	- removed import() from docs as not used now
	- changed Node so excepts data with less than field order elements 
	e.g. N, accepts 'Jon;Smith', As well as 'Jon;Smith;Dr;' this means
	we work better according to the RFC
	- ORGs' 'unit' method requires and returns an array ref as it is
	unlimited in the number of elements it has

1.8 Fri 15th Oct 2004
	- Applied patch from Aaron Cope for version stuff, can
	  now access it as lowercase version().

1.7 Wed 13th Oct 2004
	- remembered to update module versions as well as makefile!

1.6 Wed 13th Oct 2004
	- removed import() and made anonsub again
	- removed version() as was conflicting with $VERSION, 
	  info can be accessed through other methods in anycase

1.5 Wed  Oct 6th 2004
	- Change to support asData change for 'type=home;type=pref'
	- Change to support escaped ; (\;) in data - 'note' now works

1.4 Tue  Oct 5th 2004
	- Patches from Arron for XML::Generator::vCard
	- put auto methods in sub rather than closure for
	- change read_file() to scalar read_file() in address

1.3 Tue Oct 5th 2004
	- Added missing File::Slurp dependency
	- Renamed 'element_type' to 'node_type' as well
	- doc updates with help from binary

1.2 Sat Oct 2nd 2004
	- Changed so can parse group.NODE, the group is ignored for now
	- Added test for apple vcard version 3
	- emailed asData author about small buy with types (home/pref)
	- added autogen methods; $vcard->fn(), $vcard->fullname($value)

1.1 Wed Sept 15th 2003
	- Lots of tests added
	- Restructured (it's Tom's fault) so we use Addressbook as the main
	interface, and Text::vCard is a single card, in the Addressbook object
	- Renamed add_type to add_types
	- Renamed remove_type to remove_types
	- Created Text::vCard::Node to replace all Text::vCard::Part*
	- Dropped requirement for Text::vFile
	- Created new and load methods, dropped iterator
	- Renamed update_value to export_data and changed returned value

1.0  Wed July  23rd 11:18:00 2003
	- More doc fixing
	- Fixed bug in UID and TZ
	- test 02-evolution.t ready for Jay's 'type' fix to support v2.1
	- test 03-phone_v1.t ready for Jay's 'type' fix to support v1.0

0.9  Sat July  07 10:19:00 2003
	- Fixed major doc error!

0.8  Sat May  17 21:19:00 2003
	- Added ability to specify types and tests
	- Altered add_type() and remove_type() to accept array ref as well

0.7  Tue May  13 08:00:00 2003
	- Added emails, tels, lables. Started Binary API

0.6  Fri May  9 18:10:00 2003
	- More accessor methods added, added the version to everything as well

0.5  Fri May  9 08:30:00 2003
	- More accessor methods added, docs and tests

0.4  Wed May  7 14:48:20 2003
	- Lots of new stuff, it's starting to take shape

0.3  Wed May  7 10:20:20 2003
	- Cleaned up the docs, structure (now in lib/) and Makefile.PL

0.2  Tue May  6 12:30:20 2003
	- Release for Jay to see

0.1  Mon May  5 11:50:20 2003
	- original version