Revision history for HTML-SocialMeta
0.74004 17/11/2019
- buildtool not executable as suggested by CPANTS. - Mohammad S Anwar (MANWAR)
- Update licence
- Add .travis.yml
0.74002 07/11/2017
Thanks Jason McIntosh (JMAC) for
- Making image_alt optional again
- Updating the docs to clarify that the "url" attribute is required
0.74001 08/11/2017
- Escape special characters in search and replace s/\_/\:/ - perl 5.8.*
0.74 07/11/2017
Thanks Jason McIntosh (JMAC) for
- Making image_alt optional again
- Updating the docs to clarify that the "url" attribute is required
0.73 19/09/2017
- Move enitity encoding so it happens on assignment via coerce
- Attempt to fix 5.8.* issues
0.72 19/09/2017
Thanks Jason McIntosh (JMAC) for
- Updating the validator tool urls and making them hypertext
- Adding HTML entity encoding to the user provided content strings
- Adding the optional image_alt field
0.01 Date/time
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.
SUN Mar 22 13:15:09 CET 2016 -
- fb:app_id fix