Revision history for MooX-LazierAttributes

0.01    Date/time
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.

0.07    11/03/2017
        - Add tests for using the constants with 'has'
        - Acknowledge Haarg for taking the time to read my code and pointing me in the right direction.
        - Point at MooseX::Has::Sugar - should I also be using Sub::Exporter::Progressive?
0.08    12/03/2017
        - attributes can now be extended using '+';
        - Add tests for extending *has* attributes
        - Add tests for extending *attributes* attributes

0.10    12/03/2017
        - default to 'ro' if ro|rw is not passed as the first argument;
        - Accept CODE refs as the default - attributes( shiny => [ sub { HTTP::Tiny->new } ] )

0.11    13/03/2017
        - Type::Tiny is nice, so 0.11 adds support for it. The second argument can now either be the 
        value (default) or a Type::Tiny Object (isa).