0.07 9 November 2019
0.06 17 January 2004
Verified Thread::Bless works with 5.8.3 and 5.9.0. Adapted
documentation slightly to reflect this.
Now requires version 5.8.1 in the Makefile.PL.
0.05 28 December 2003
Added automatic required modules update using Devel::Required.
0.04 5 December 2003
Added tests for creating blessed objects that are not activated with
0.03 4 December 2003
Made the registering objects functionality accessible externally so
that it can also be used on object that are blessed in XS. Suggested
by Stas Bekman.
0.02 29 November 2003
Changed the INIT handler to a normal "initialize" subroutine, and
have the INIT handler call that. Made sure that the handler can be
called seperately and multiple times. Added some documentation in
the MOD_PERL section indicating it is ok to call "initialize" as a
class method as many times as you want.
0.01 14 November 2003
First version of Thread::Bless.