0.11	9 November 2019

0.10	28 December 2003
	Added automatic required modules update using Devel::Required.

	Added dependency on load.pm, it was missing!

0.09	11 August 2003
	Cleaned up Makefile.PL and updated test-suite and copyright.  Fixed
	problem in test-suite if there was no Thread::Pool::Resolve installed
	yet (filter would not search in lib).  Increased dependency on
	Thread::Pool to 0.29.

0.08	30 September 2002
	Use "load.pm" instead of AutoLoader.  Increased dependency on
        Thread::Pool to 0.28, which also use "load.pm" now.

	Removed "our" from $VERSION and @ISA, should shave off some bytes in
        memory usage, as found from testing with Benchmark::Thread::Size.

0.07	22 September 2002
	Added use of POSIX::sigaction for setting the signal handler rather
	than just setting %SIG: the latter seems to only be processed _after_
	gethostbyaddr() timed out, which sort of defeated the purpose.  So
	this should really make the timeout value specified, work.

	Made the standard resolver a bit smarter about the case with a
	specific timeout value and without.

0.06	1 September 2002
	Increased dependency on Thread::Pool, so it will use the latest and
	best.  No further changes to the code.

	Split test-suite in two files, so that any potential memory problems
	cause by "cpu" optimization will not influence the test-suite using
	the "memory" optimization.

0.05	28 August 2002
	Added code to "new" to handle problem with timouts in threads.  If
	it sees that it cannot fix the problem, it dies.  Else it will fix it
	and output a warning.

	Added BUGS section to the pod to explain the problem with timeouts of
	the default resolver.

0.04	27 August 2002
	Added documentation and test-suite for checkpoint functionality, which
	is basically inherited from the latest Thread::Pool.  Increased
	dependency on Thread::Pool in Makefile.PL.

0.03	16 August 2002
	Fixed problem in test-suite which tested for resolving from different

	Added support for reporting status of the resolving process.  Added
	"status" field to "new" method.  Adapted default resolver and monitor
	to set the status according to the process.

	Added timeout feature to the default resolver.  Timeout value can
	be changed with the "timeout" method.

	14 August 2002
	Adapted test-suite to use select() rather than sleep(), which seems
	to halt _all_ threads, at least under UNIX.

	13 August 2002
	Fixed potentially large foreach keys to while each loop.

	7 August 2002
	Added optimization parameter documentation (inherited from

	Added optimization setting to test-suite.

	Raised dependency to Thread::Pool 0.23.

0.02	1 August 2002
	Raised dependency to Thread::Pool 0.22.

	30 July 2002
	Added debugging class methods "rand_domain" and "rand_ip".  Adapted
	test-suite to use these rather than its own version of them.

	Some documentation nits.

0.01	26 July 2002
	First version of Thread::Pool::Resolve.