Revision history for Perl module Template::Resolver

1.05 2016-02-15
    - Added as_hashref

1.04 2016-02-06
    - Cleaned up prereqs
    - Fixed minor bug in get_entity  with empty coordinate

1.03 2016-01-26
    - Exported %properties to the entities files for property placeholders
    - Added support for multiple properties files by allowing properties-file to be an array ref

1.02 2016-01-23
    - Fixed bug allowing undef of parent when using fill and ancestry

1.01 2016-01-23
    - Added support for fill with 'Config::Entities::entity'

1.00 2016-01-23
    - Add entity option allowing import of hashref as base entity

0.03 2014-08-07
    - Added the ability to inherit entities from a parent entity

0.02 2014-08-07
    - Fixed merging of sub-hash to recurse instead of just merging top level

0.01 2014-08-07
    - Initial release.