Revision history for Perl module Footprintless
1.04 2016-07-21
- added ability to pass runner options to service
- fixed logger message in Footprintless::_init
- fixed Footprintless_App_Command_log logger to use STDERR to avoid STDOUT conflicts
- fixed out_handle for until to print a newline after each line
- modified temp_dir and added temp_file both of which are now secure, reimplemented service status to better handle su
- added missing dependency on URI
- added resolution during overlay if .footprintless is encountered
- updated service to support sub commands with sudo if needed
- updated pod for Footprintless::Util::slurp
- fixed invalid variable reference in Footprintless::Util::exit_due_to, and added support for STDIN in Footprintless::
- added and associated factory methods
- updated tests to included --no-overwrite-dir for the cp_command tar
- added --no-overwrite-dir to the cp_command tar to avoid needing permissions on folders we are not adding to/deleting
1.03 2016-04-30
- Fixed Bug #113348 for Footprintless: Undeclared dependency App::Cmd::Tester
1.02 2016-04-30
- Added plugin capability.
- Added mixins feature.
- Migrated to Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Simple.
1.01 2016-03-25
- Improved documentation.
1.0 2016-03-24
- Initial release.