Revision history for Perl module IPC::Open3::Callback

1.18 2016-01-28
    - fixed bug when buffer_out => 1 and a out_callback where pid was not 
      passed to callback

1.17 2015-01-09
    - Fixed issue 12: Adding escaping of pathnames with white-space
      and single/double quotes...:

1.16 2015-01-09
    - Fixed bug in CommmandFailedException and CommandRunner that was
      causing the to_string to print err message with out header when
      only capturing err.

1.15 2014-11-13
    - Fixed bug in cp_command when using zip where sudo needs
      to be on the bash -c and not on the cd and zip.

1.14 2014-08-08
    - added status option to cp_command

1.13 2014-08-04
    - created new module to contain failed command information
    - added safety check in get_xxx_buffer to verify arrayref before join
    - added convenience return out_buffer on run_or_die

1.12 2014-06-04
    - fixed bug in checking out_fh or err_fh even if they were undef
    - updated pod for, Logger

1.11 2014-06-03
    - fixed bug in wrap when using sudo...  cant assume bash -c for everything 
      because sudo is limited to command
    - added the ability to supply IO::Handles was well as callbacks
    - split NullLogger into its own file, cleaned up Callback, and added new 
      get_last_exit_code method
    - added initialization for Log::Log4perl to unit tests
    - added leftovers to weaver.ini to pass through =for Pod::Coverage to 
      ignore unwanted methods

1.10 2014-06-03
    - fixed bug in wrap when using sudo...  cant assume bash -c for everything 
      because sudo is limited to command
    - added the ability to supply IO::Handles was well as callbacks

1.09 2014-05-18
    - removed localhost detection, it doesnt fit in this module
    - added cp_command
    - fixed pod doc for command_options

1.08 2014-05-08
    - fixed dist.ini to exclude @Basic readme
    - renamed destination_options to command_options, added sudo_username 
      option, and removed command_prefix option
    - added ability to avoid ssh when local
    - fixed bug in log debug message
    - Fixed bug in wrap which removed ; from end of find commands, added more 
      unit tests
    - Added line_separator option to write_command
    - added options to write_command
    - fixed bug in sed_command, added write_command, and made 
      destination_options a class
    - Added information about git

1.07 2013-11-24
    - Added README.mkdn and CONTRIBUTING.mkdn.

1.06 2013-11-11
    - Added unit tests for accessors and updated pod for 

1.05 2013-11-10
    - Added Class::Accessor to and added various

1.04 2013-11-04
    - Reformatted Changes file to conform to CPAN::Changes::Spec

1.03 2013-11-04
    - Updated code to follow more "perl best practices"

1.02  2013-10-30
    - Modified to use hashref instead of hash
      for arguments.
    - Added lock_keys to and
    - Updated dist.ini to add perltidy
    - Included .perltidyrc in project to support multiple

1.01 2013-09-03
    - First non-developer release to CPAN
    - original version created by h2xs 1.23
      with options -X -n IPC::Open3::Callback