use strict; use warnings; package Maven::Maven; $Maven::Maven::VERSION = '1.03'; # ABSTRACT: The main interface to maven # PODNAME: Maven::Maven use Carp; use Data::Dumper; use File::ShareDir; use Log::Any; use Maven::Repositories; use Maven::SettingsLoader qw(load_settings); use Maven::Xml::Pom; my $logger = Log::Any->get_logger(); sub new { return bless( {}, shift )->_init(@_); } sub dot_m2 { return shift->user_home( '.m2', @_ ); } sub _default_agent { my ( $self, @options ) = @_; require LWP::UserAgent; my $agent = LWP::UserAgent->new(@options); $agent->env_proxy(); # because why not? return $agent; } sub _init { my ( $self, %options ) = @_; $self->{properties} = { 'env.M2_HOME' => $options{M2_HOME} || $ENV{M2_HOME} || croak("M2_HOME not defined"), 'user.home' => $options{'user.home'} || $ENV{HOME} || $ENV{USERPROFILE} }; $self->{settings} = load_settings( $self->m2_home( 'conf', 'settings.xml' ), $self->dot_m2('settings.xml'), $self->{properties} ); # some day we should load pom... $self->_load_active_profiles(); my $agent = $options{agent} || $self->_default_agent(); $self->{repositories} = Maven::Repositories->new()->add_local( $self->{settings}->get_localRepository() ); foreach my $profile ( @{ $self->{active_profiles} } ) { my $repositories = $profile->get_repositories(); if ( $repositories && scalar(@$repositories) ) { foreach my $repository (@$repositories) { $self->{repositories}->add_repository( $repository->get_url(), agent => $agent ); } } } return $self; } sub get_property { my ( $self, $key ) = @_; $logger->tracef( 'get_property(\'%s\')', $key ); return $self->{properties}{$key} || $key; } sub get_repositories { return $_[0]->{repositories}; } sub _is_active_profile { my ( $self, $profile ) = @_; } sub _load_active_profiles { my ($self) = @_; my @active_profiles = (); my %settings_active_profiles = $self->{settings}->get_activeProfiles() ? map { $_ => 1 } @{ $self->{settings}->get_activeProfiles() } : (); foreach my $profile ( @{ $self->{settings}->{profiles} } ) { if ( $settings_active_profiles{ $profile->get_id() } ) { push( @active_profiles, $profile ); next; } # add support for other ways of being active... my $activation = $profile->get_activation(); if ($activation) { my $activeByDefault = $activation->get_activeByDefault(); if ( $activeByDefault && $activeByDefault =~ /^true$/i ) { push( @active_profiles, $profile ); next; } # not using jdk, so lets ignore it # OS is complicated by cygwin, so we bow out for now... my $property = $activation->get_property(); if ( $property && $property->get_name() && $property->get_value() && $self->{properties}{ $property->get_name() } && $self->{properties}{ $property->get_name() } eq $property->get_value() ) { push( @active_profiles, $profile ); next; } my $file = $activation->get_file(); if ($file) { my $missing = $file->get_missing(); if ( $missing && !-f $missing ) { push( @active_profiles, $profile ); next; } my $exists = $file->get_exists(); if ( $exists && -f $exists ) { push( @active_profiles, $profile ); next; } } } } if (@active_profiles) { if ( $self->{active_profiles} ) { push( @{ $self->{active_profiles} }, @active_profiles ); } else { $self->{active_profiles} = \@active_profiles; } } } sub m2_home { my ( $self, @parts ) = @_; return File::Spec->catdir( $self->{properties}{'env.M2_HOME'}, @parts ); } sub user_home { my ( $self, @parts ) = @_; return File::Spec->catdir( $self->{properties}{'user.home'}, @parts ); } 1; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME Maven::Maven - The main interface to maven =head1 VERSION version 1.03 =head1 SYNOPSIS use Maven::Maven; my $maven = Maven::Maven->new(); my $artifact = $maven->repositories()->resolve( 'javax.servlet:servlet-api:2.5'); Or more likely use Maven::Agent; my $agent = Maven::Agent->new(); my $maven = $agent->maven(); my $global_settings_file = $maven->m2_home('conf', 'settings.xml'); my $user_settings_file = $maven->dot_m2('settings.xml'); my $artifact = $agent->resolve('javax.servlet:servlet-api:2.5'); =head1 DESCRIPTION This class is a container for maven configuration data. When constructed it parses the settings files (both user and global), and generates L<Maven::Repositories> that can be used to resolve L<Maven::Artifact>'s. =head1 CONSTRUCTORS =head2 new([%options]) Constructs a new instance. It is uncommon to construct L<Maven::Maven> directly, instead you should use one of the agents (L<Maven::Agent>, L<Maven::MvnAgent>) and then obtain access through their L<get_maven|Maven::Agent/get_maven()> method. The currently supported options are: =over 4 =item agent An instance of L<LWP::UserAgent> that will be used to connect to the remote repositories. =item M2_HOME The path to the maven install directory. Defaults to C<$ENV{HOME}>. =item user.home The path to the users home directory. Defaults to C<$ENV{HOME} || $ENV{USERPROFILE}>. =back =head1 METHODS =head2 dot_m2([@parts]) Returns a path indicated by joining all of C<@parts> to the user maven dot directory. =head2 get_property($key) Returns the value of the effective settings property indicated by C<$key>. =head2 get_repositories() Returns the repositories configured in the effective settings. =head2 m2_home([@parts]) Returns a path indicated by joining all of C<@parts> to the maven install directory. =head2 user_home([@parts]) Returns a path indicated by joining all of C<@parts> to the user home directory. =head1 AUTHOR Lucas Theisen <> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Lucas Theisen. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =head1 SEE ALSO Please see those modules/websites for more information related to this module. =over 4 =item * L<Maven::Agent|Maven::Agent> =item * L<Maven::MvnAgent|Maven::MvnAgent> =item * L<Maven::Artifact|Maven::Artifact> =back =cut