0.06 - Thu Jun 21 15:47:13 PDT 2007
 - Fix a bug that prevented testing whether a value was "0"
 - Handle multi-byte characters better - Thanks Takatoshi Kitano

0.05 - Mon Apr  9 11:00:01 PDT 2007
 - move Socialtext specific code out of this module
 - move the fixture test utility code into a package 
 - s/Mock::Rester/Socialtext::Resting::Mock/

0.04 - March 21, 2007
 - Added a failing test if a testplan dies
 - updated Socialtext ids based on UI changes
 - Made Socialtext watchlist code more robust
 - Change the selenium browser with $ENV{selenium_browser}
 - Added print_page for debugging
 - Modified socialtext st_login to redirect to the workspace

0.03 - Mon Mar 12 21:20:05 PDT 2007
 - Null now prints out commands
 - Add util/run-wiki-tests example script
 - test plans that die shouldn't stop all testing
 - fixed st-admin when called with no verify option

0.02 - Fri Dec 29 15:09:10 PST 2006
 - added a bunch more Socialtext fixture commands
 - use click_and_wait more
 - option description for click_and_wait
 - enhanced qr// support for most fields
 - Added mock rester support for local testing from file
 - Add variable support to selenium commands
 - Added st-admin fixture command
 - Added st-force-confirmation command

0.01 - Wed Dec 20 11:43:02 PST 2006
 - first release
 - extra awesome