Revision history for Perl extension Text::ASCIITable.
0.05 Sun Dec 23 06:46:45 2002
- Started to use make dist instead of packing it wrong.
(not making its own directory)
0.04 Sun Dec 22 23:33:45 2002
- Added support for changing layout on rows.
- Updated the documentation
0.03 Sun Dec 22 05:33:43 2002
- fixed a bug in draw() which could have made weird
output in some cases.
- Fixed pod documentation to display code correctly when
converted to html.
- Released it on CPAN.
0.02 --- --- -- --:--:-- 2002
- started porting of my similar function made in PHP
0.01 Sat Dec 21 13:12:21 2002
- original version; created by h2xs 1.19