Revision history for Perl extension Text::ASCIITable.
0.21 Thu Dec 29 15:25:00 2016
- Removed utf8 specific code, since all input should be utf8. Fixes #118483, #102993
- Patch by Salvatore Bonaccorso <> fixed utf8 in manpages.
- Fixed error-reporting not reporting errors anymore. Fixes #103937
- Fixed problem with negative repeat count. Fixes 118883
0.20 Wed Nov 30 01:53:22 2011
- Patch by Salvatore Bonaccorso <> fixed spelling errors
in manpage.
- Resolved debian bug #402906.
- Patch by <> fixes problem with single-lines '0' not being
0.19 Wed Nov 23 12:43:12 2011
- Added patch by Alexey Sheynuk <> for a big speedup.
- Added UTF-8 awareness in counting function.
- Fixed some bugs.
0.18 Sat Jul 15 00:00:00 2005
- Changed from ExtUtils::MakeMaker to Module::Build for better support for
various platforms.
- Added the function addRowLine(), which allows you to add lines after any
0.17 Tue Sep 27 01:00:00 2005
- Fixed a memory-leak in the overloaded tie-array. Thanks to Matt Trout and Andy
Grundman in the Catalyst team for reporting, and submitting six.
- Added 'justify' alignment. Which gives you a newspaper way of aligning words.
- Added a example script to let you test ansi-support in Text::ASCIITable.
- Changed the default-layout a tiny bit.
0.16 Thi Sep 22 18:41:00 2005
- Fixed bug that made warnings of uninitialized variables when you added
a cell with an undefined value. Therefore a new option 'undef_as' variable
was added. Bug ref:
- Added the possibility to add several rows with addRow using array of
arrayrefs. Wish ref:
- Updated the documentation to use 'package->new()' instead of 'new package()'
- Added support for chaining methods. Added as an option for backwards
compatibility. Wish ref:
0.15 Tue Apr 06 04:00:00 2004
- Added overloading of @{} so you can use push to add rows.
- Fixed a small unharmful bug in addRow.
- A few speed-fixes.
- Added support for multiline in headingText.
0.14 Sun Mar 21 23:56:12 2004
- Cleaned/rewrote the Text::ASCIITable::Wrap code. Same result, better code.
- Removed code wich prevented a external callbacksub for align from functioning
if allowANSI or allowHTML was set.
- Added support for a callback subroutine instead of the internal count function.
- Added some caching in getColWidth.
- alignCol and setOptions now accepts a hash to set values.
- Columns containing just 0 was not shown. Fixed.
- addRow no longer expects exact number of columns.
0.13 Sun Feb 22 20:30:00 2004
- Fixed first bug. Tables got wider if it was a lot of html/ansi codes
even if ansisupport was turned on.
- Fiex bug in draw() on designoutput. delim character was set to
- Made a wordwrap-module from scratch, and turned out to be more
accurate than the previous. Text::ASCIITable::Wrap.
- Fixed a bug which prevented you to have ANSI/HTML-codes in the
beginning and end of a rowline and in headingText.
- Added support for cutting the table for page-viewing. With a max
width. Thanks to Khemir Nadim ibn Hamouda <nadim at> for
the code and the idea.
0.12 Sat Jan 17 00:01:21 2004
- Made the ANSI stripper accept more advanced escape-codes.
- Added support for auto-aligning.
- Added support for "user-defined" aligning.
- Added alignColName to align each column in the "column-name-row".
- Beautified some code.
0.11 Sat Aug 16 16:33:42 2003
- Added easier access to printing. You can now use print $t; which
does the same as print $t->draw() do.
- Changed the default look/"theme". It was just too ugly :P
- Added multiline support for columnnames.
- Cleaned up some code.
0.10 Sat Mar 22 15:44:12 2003
- Fixed so headingText makes the table wider, if its wider than the
table should originally be. Thanks to my friend Rune F. Akselsen
for the nice and easy "formula".
- Added allowANSI support. Works just like allowHTML just with ANSI
codes. Exampletext with ansicodes: "Hi \33[1mThis is bold\33[m..."
0.09 Sat Feb 15 12:24:42 2003
- Added headingText option, wich makes a Title on the top of
the table, spanning all the columts to one large title.
- Added descriptions to all the possible options in the
0.08 Sat Jan 18 14:44:21 2003
- Added drawRowLine option, to make it draw a line
between every row.
- Added FEATURES section to the documentation.
- Added strict option to setColWidth. If $strict is set to a
true value, the width of the column will be set to this width.
0.07 Tue Jan 14 12:45:03 2003
- Stopped to use Text::Aligner, because I needed one
with the possibillity to change strictness of the function
and counting procedures. So I made my own simple align function.
- Added allowHTML option. To do this i needed to stop using
0.06 Sat Jan 11 17:41:32 2003
- Went over to use Text::Aligner instead of own functions.
- Added alignCol. (Which uses Text::Aligner)
- Made alignColRight an alias to alignCol($col,'right');
- Added options to hide lines/headrow from output.
- Added 'reporterrors' for removal of error reporting to STDERR.
- Added multiline support for AddRow.
- Added wordwrap support, using Text::Wrap.
0.05 Sun Dec 23 06:46:45 2002
- Started to use make dist instead of packing it wrong.
(not making its own directory)
0.04 Sun Dec 22 23:33:45 2002
- Added support for changing layout on rows.
- Updated the documentation
0.03 Sun Dec 22 05:33:43 2002
- fixed a bug in draw() which could have made weird
output in some cases.
- Fixed pod documentation to display code correctly when
converted to html.
- Released it on CPAN.
0.02 Sat Dec 21 --:--:-- 2002
- ported my similar script made in PHP
0.01 Sat Dec 21 13:12:21 2002
- original version; created by h2xs 1.19