Revision history for Perl extension OAuth::Lite.

1.12  Tue Aug 12 17:58:00 2008
    - bugfix: Consumer doesn't pass extra params when using Header authorization.
    - Server::mod_perl2 now handles parameters correctly.

1.10  Tue Aug 12 15:43:00 2008
    - Consumer::get_request_token can be passed extra params.
      Now you can pass the value except for uri or realm.
      For example "scope" value for Google-OAuth.
    - Server::mod_perl2 now got new APIs and can control
      Consumer Request extention.

1.09  Mon Mar 31 15:47:00 2008
    - Consumer::url_to_authorize and Consumer::get_access_token now can handles
      empty token.

1.08  Mon Mar 10 16:03:00 2008
    - rt #33943
      added Content-Length header in case request method is POST or PUT,
      at the end of Consumer::gen_oauth_request.
      Thanks, TOMI.

1.07  Sun Jan 20 15:12:00 2008
	- put sorting process into building query-string process.
	  The hash keys order is deferrent between perl environments.
		So, some tests failed.

1.06  Fri Jan 18 18:28:00 2008
	- changed not to use syntax like 'any {...} qw/FOO BAR/'.
	  it seems to cause error on perl5.6

1.05  Thu Jan 17 10:15:00 2008
  - added inc/Module/Install to MANIFEST

1.04  Wed Jan 16 15:30:00 2008
  - fixed not to import methods when require bytes

1.03  Wed Jan 16 14:22:00 2008
  - added delegation methods on ServerUtil

1.02  Wed Jan 16 13:50:00 2008
  - fixed document
  - fixed Makefile.PL

1.01  Tue Jan 15 11:14:00 2008
  - improved documentation

1.00  Tue Jan  8 17:54:29 2008
  - initial release