Revision history for Perl extension treeview. version 0.6.7
	- some bugs with preloading etc
	- make use of  ExtUtils::MakeMaker.
	- more tests.
	- Overwrought Documentation.
	- export tag all.
	- remove shebang line.
	- check anchor attributes.
	- default values title anchors is now the text.
	- Overwrought Tests.
	- skip questions if command line options ( perl Makefile.PL -cgidir=/cgiDir -htdocs=/htdocs ) are passed to Makefile.PL

	- fix preload folder red, green and gray.
	- Overwrought Dokumentation.
	- fix wrong License. GNU Lesser General Public License instead GNU General Public License.
	- fix Crystal folderRed 16 px
	- fix bw style
	- i use perl 5.008006 but i think it is not strongly necessary. So i removed use 5.008006 for use with older Perl versions.
	- preload plusNode fixed.
	-new Styles Crystal 64, 128 ( In the future no more styles will be added to this Modul, if there a different ones they will be avaible as a standalone package).
	-preload.js files for preloading images.
	-size lastNode 16 & 32 px

	- new Styles Cyrstal 22, 48
	- new function preload();
	- Overwrought Dokumentation.
	- Some fixes in installdocs and width ocpNode
	- remove some unnecessary files.
	- setClasic, setModern clasic ( alternate node decoration ).
	- setSize ( new Style Cyrstal 32 ) 16 or 32 are possible.
	- make installdocs 
	  (install html documentation vor HTML::Menu::TreeView like
	   Open /TreeView.html on your host into your browser after installation.)
	- include some styles into Cyrstal.
	- preload images for ie etc.
	- delete unessesary files.
	- new path for images
	- make uninstalldocs
	- Overwrought css
	-new Namespace HTML::Menu::TreeView
	-new styles red green orange.
	-alternate folder symbols for Crystalm style.
	-one folder for mimetypes (link images).
	-warn instead of  die
	-spacer.gif for emty cells which contain only a background image.
	-Overwrought code, test, Documentation, styles, exaples.
	-shebang within pod crashes some older Perl verions
	-if you want use with perl > 5.008006 you should remove use 5.008006;.
	-export_ok use treeview qw(Tree css jscript setStyle setDocumentRoot);
	-onclick default attribute wird nur gesetzt wenn kein href uebergeben wurde,
	-sinnvoll wenn man Foldern href attribute mit auf den weg geben will.
	-New SYNTAX, setter for DocumentRoot and Style.
	-Overwrought Documentation, code,exaples.
	-New default style (system).

0.3  Sun Nov 19 09:00:37 2006
	- Opera, imagges and css fixed.
0.2  Sun Sep 10 00:50:35 2006
	- lincoln loader like getself function
0.01  Sun Jan 22 01:37:35 2006
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
	-XAn treeview