Revision history for Mojolicious-Plugin-Mongodb

1.08      2012-04-08 04:08:02 Asia/Jakarta
    BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY BREAKER:  This release will probably break your 
    existing code. Some care went into not changing how the core functionality 
    works, but keep in mind that things might go hideously wrong.

    Added helpers for findAndModify and mapReduce operations, and changed the 
    architecture around a bit, we now use our own little object to hold the 
    connection info and all other pertinent methods and expose them to the user 
    via helpers.

1.07      2011-04-27 04:14:15 Asia/Jakarta
    BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY BREAKER: Renamed the 'connection' attribute 
    to 'mongodb_connection', since 'connection' is very generic and could 
    theoretically end up getting clobbered.

    Added 'no_helper' configuration option to prevent creation of a 
    helper altogether.

1.06      2011-04-24 19:38:54 Asia/Jakarta
    No change track