Revision history for Net-Disqus

0.1.3   22/04/2011
        +   Added Net::Disqus::UserAgent, it will select between LWP::UserAgent (the default) 
            and Mojo::UserAgent if it's installed. This behaviour has been added in order to
            make plugging Net::Disqus into Mojolicious easier.
        +   Added some new options for user agent behaviour as well as the handling of 
            Disqus API errors.

0.1.2   21/04/2011
        *   UserAgent didn't quite like the way things were passed along, so modified this.
        +   New dependencies: URI and URI::Escape

0.1.1   21/04/2011
        *   Changed things around a bit internally with regards to how the interfaces.json file is handled.
        +   Exceptions are now thrown if you try to access an API url that doesn't exist before hitting the
            Disqus API itself
        +   Check added to see if Disqus is doing maintenance.
        +   Docs updated
        +   More tests added for testing against the API.

0.1.0   20/04/2011
        *   First version, released on an unsuspecting world.