#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use FindBin; use File::Basename 'dirname'; use lib ( File::Spec->catdir( dirname(__FILE__), qw| .. lib perl5| ), ); my $target = shift @ARGV; my $version = shift @ARGV; unless ( $target ) { die "you must set target's name parameter"; } if ( $target =~ /[^a-z0-9]/ ) { die( Enbld::Error->new( "invalid target name '$target'" )); } require Enbld::Definition; my $attributes = Enbld::Definition->new( $target )->parse; if ( $version ) { $attributes->add( 'VersionCondition', $version ); } else { $attributes->add( 'VersionCondition' ); } require Enbld::Message; Enbld::Message->set_verbose; Enbld::HTTP->download( $attributes->URL, $attributes->Filename ); =pod =head1 NAME getenbld - utility command for fetching archive file =head1 SYNOPSIS $ getenbld git # fetch latest archive file $ getenbld git 1.8.4 # fetch arbitrary archive file =head1 DESCRIPTION getenbld small utility command for fetching archive file. =head1 COPYRIGHT copyright 2013- Magnolia C<< <magnolia.k@me.com> >>. =head1 LICENSE This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut